blob: 0da8ac53695e954078a01fe24e87c89e95bc132c [file] [log] [blame]
struct Ctxt { v: usize }
trait GetCtxt {
// Here the `&` is bound in the method definition:
fn get_ctxt(&self) -> &Ctxt;
struct HasCtxt<'a> { c: &'a Ctxt }
impl<'a> GetCtxt for HasCtxt<'a> {
// Here an error occurs because we used `&self` but
// the definition used `&`:
fn get_ctxt(&self) -> &'a Ctxt { //~ ERROR method not compatible with trait
fn get_v(gc: Box<dyn GetCtxt>) -> usize {
fn main() {
let ctxt = Ctxt { v: 22 };
let hc = HasCtxt { c: &ctxt };
assert_eq!(get_v(box hc as Box<dyn GetCtxt>), 22);