blob: a7987d0e1feb0acf8c19da5131c1d1c9c6429edc [file] [log] [blame]
// Check explicit region bounds on methods in the cross crate case.
extern crate rbmtp_cross_crate_lib as lib;
use lib::Inv;
use lib::MaybeOwned;
use lib::IntoMaybeOwned;
fn call_into_maybe_owned<'x,F:IntoMaybeOwned<'x>>(f: F) {
// Exercise a code path I found to be buggy. We were not encoding
// the region parameters from the receiver correctly on trait
// methods.
fn call_bigger_region<'x, 'y>(a: Inv<'x>, b: Inv<'y>) {
// Here the value provided for 'y is 'y, and hence 'y:'x does not hold.
a.bigger_region(b) //~ ERROR lifetime mismatch [E0623]
fn main() { }