blob: d0af468cff6cd05f049dd7629f66c3cb40abfa21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test that NLL analysis propagates lifetimes correctly through
// field accesses, Box accesses, etc.
fn foo(s: &mut (i32,)) -> i32 {
let t = &mut *s; // this borrow should last for the entire function
let x = &t.0;
*s = (2,); //~ ERROR cannot assign to `*s`
fn bar(s: &Box<(i32,)>) -> &'static i32 {
// FIXME(#46983): error message should be better
&s.0 //~ ERROR explicit lifetime required in the type of `s` [E0621]
fn main() {
foo(&mut (0,));