blob: e994fd3d593d1b9cf99179dc2ae969d3fe54d8f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test that the we point to the inner expression when moving out to initialize
// a variable, and that we don't give a useless suggestion such as &{ *r }.
pub fn deref(r: &String) {
let x = { *r }; //~ ERROR
let y = unsafe { *r }; //~ ERROR
let z = loop { break *r; }; //~ ERROR
pub fn index(arr: [String; 2]) {
let x = { arr[0] }; //~ ERROR
let y = unsafe { arr[0] }; //~ ERROR
let z = loop { break arr[0]; }; //~ ERROR
pub fn additional_statement_cases(r: &String) {
let x = { let mut u = 0; u += 1; *r }; //~ ERROR
let y = unsafe { let mut u = 0; u += 1; *r }; //~ ERROR
let z = loop { let mut u = 0; u += 1; break *r; u += 2; }; //~ ERROR
fn main() {}