blob: 1290d4a25abc4d8e52f6a4846fb8e197d2d47109 [file] [log] [blame]
// Tests that bindings to move-by-default values trigger moves of the
// discriminant. Also tests that the compiler explains the move in
// terms of the binding, not the discriminant.
struct Foo<A> { f: A }
fn guard(_s: String) -> bool {panic!()}
fn touch<A>(_a: &A) {}
fn f10() {
let x = Foo {f: "hi".to_string()};
let y = match x {
Foo {f} => {}
touch(&x); //~ ERROR borrow of moved value: `x`
//~^ value borrowed here after partial move
//~| move occurs because `x.f` has type `std::string::String`
fn main() {}