blob: 701c32d6236b643ec173c7f33ef8fd0b7b0f470a [file] [log] [blame]
error: expected identifier, found keyword `true`
--> $DIR/
LL | foo!(true);
| ^^^^ expected identifier, found keyword
help: you can escape reserved keywords to use them as identifiers
LL | foo!(r#true);
| ^^^^^^
error: expected type, found keyword `true`
--> $DIR/
LL | bar(baz: $rest)
| - help: try using a semicolon: `;`
LL | foo!(true);
| ^^^^ expected type
= note: `#![feature(type_ascription)]` lets you annotate an expression with a type: `<expr>: <type>`
= note: see issue #23416 <> for more information
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors