blob: 45f854f93ecb92bb56ba2bed822a04240efb8ba1 [file] [log] [blame]
error: `extern` block uses type `Foo`, which is not FFI-safe
--> $DIR/
LL | pub fn foo(x: (Foo));
| ^^^ not FFI-safe
note: the lint level is defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | #![deny(warnings)]
| ^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[deny(improper_ctypes)]` implied by `#[deny(warnings)]`
= help: consider adding a `#[repr(C)]` or `#[repr(transparent)]` attribute to this struct
= note: this struct has unspecified layout
note: the type is defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | pub struct Foo;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: aborting due to previous error