blob: 3cd5b1ed6f46232475c7e7c42dc68c876db30f7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Test that we cannot create objects from unsized types.
trait Foo { fn foo(&self) {} }
impl Foo for str {}
impl Foo for [u8] {}
fn test1<T: ?Sized + Foo>(t: &T) {
let u: &dyn Foo = t;
//~^ ERROR the size for values of type
fn test2<T: ?Sized + Foo>(t: &T) {
let v: &dyn Foo = t as &dyn Foo;
//~^ ERROR the size for values of type
fn test3() {
let _: &[&dyn Foo] = &["hi"];
//~^ ERROR the size for values of type
fn test4(x: &[u8]) {
let _: &dyn Foo = x as &dyn Foo;
//~^ ERROR the size for values of type
fn main() { }