blob: 32f0062168b3d6648a5133e25588b5b8639260f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// New test for #53818: modifying static memory at compile-time is not allowed.
// The test should never compile successfully
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
struct Foo(UnsafeCell<u32>);
unsafe impl Send for Foo {}
unsafe impl Sync for Foo {}
static FOO: Foo = Foo(UnsafeCell::new(42));
fn foo() {}
static BAR: () = unsafe {
*FOO.0.get() = 5;
//~^ contains unimplemented expression
//~^ ERROR calls in statics are limited to constant functions, tuple structs and tuple variants
fn main() {
println!("{}", unsafe { *FOO.0.get() });