blob: 2b62bf18a71ce5ff25da288026142194b82e0413 [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags: -Z chalk
trait Foo { }
impl Foo for i32 { }
trait Bar { }
impl Bar for i32 { }
impl Bar for u32 { }
fn only_foo<T: Foo>(_x: T) { }
fn only_bar<T: Bar>(_x: T) { }
fn main() {
let x = 5.0;
// The only type which implements `Foo` is `i32`, so the chalk trait solver
// is expecting a variable of type `i32`. This behavior differs from the
// old-style trait solver. I guess this will change, that's why I'm
// adding that test.
// FIXME(chalk): order of these two errors is non-deterministic,
// so let's just hide one for now
//only_foo(x); // ERROR the trait bound `f64: Foo` is not satisfied
// Here we have two solutions so we get back the behavior of the old-style
// trait solver.
only_bar(x); //~ ERROR the trait bound `f64: Bar` is not satisfied