blob: e3fd2860ebcf38efcd13187322220dcf03fbea19 [file] [log] [blame]
error[E0212]: cannot extract an associated type from a higher-ranked trait bound in this context
--> $DIR/
LL | field: I::A
| ^^^^
help: use a fully qualified path with explicit lifetimes
LL | struct SomeStruct<'a, I: for<'x> Foo<&'x isize>> {
LL | field: <I as Foo<&'a isize>>::A
error[E0212]: cannot extract an associated type from a higher-ranked trait bound in this context
--> $DIR/
LL | TupleVariant(I::A),
| ^^^^
help: use a fully qualified path with explicit lifetimes
LL | enum SomeEnum<'c, 'b, I: for<'a> Foo<&'a isize>> {
LL | TupleVariant(<I as Foo<&'c isize>>::A),
error[E0212]: cannot extract an associated type from a higher-ranked trait bound in this context
--> $DIR/
LL | StructVariant { field: I::A },
| ^^^^
help: use a fully qualified path with explicit lifetimes
LL | enum SomeEnum<'c, 'b, I: for<'a> Foo<&'a isize>> {
LL | TupleVariant(I::A),
LL |
LL | StructVariant { field: <I as Foo<&'c isize>>::A },
error[E0212]: cannot extract an associated type from a higher-ranked trait bound in this context
--> $DIR/
LL | field: I::A,
| ^^^^
help: use a fully qualified path with explicit lifetimes
LL | struct Why<'bb, 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g, 'h, 'i, 'j, 'k, 'n, 'o, 'p, 'q, 'r, 's, 't, 'u, 'v, 'w, 'x,
LL | 'y, 'z, 'aa, I: for<'l, 'm> Foo<&'l &'m isize>> {
LL | field: <I as Foo<&'bb &'bb isize>>::A,
error: aborting due to 4 previous errors