blob: 755fc2ca238aa8e7feebfcf0023006764e3ffb2c [file] [log] [blame]
// only-x86_64
fn main() {
let mut foo = 0;
unsafe {
asm!("", options(nomem, readonly));
//~^ ERROR the `nomem` and `readonly` options are mutually exclusive
asm!("", options(pure, nomem, noreturn));
//~^ ERROR the `pure` and `noreturn` options are mutually exclusive
//~^^ ERROR asm with `pure` option must have at least one output
asm!("{}", in(reg) foo, options(pure, nomem));
//~^ ERROR asm with `pure` option must have at least one output
asm!("{}", out(reg) foo, options(noreturn));
//~^ ERROR asm outputs are not allowed with the `noreturn` option