blob: 4d50516ce546bb79e4461ee0c98a0da10fd04614 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Utility functions for bignums that don't make too much sense to turn into methods.
// FIXME This module's name is a bit unfortunate, since other modules also import `core::num`.
use crate::cmp::Ordering::{self, Less, Equal, Greater};
pub use crate::num::bignum::Big32x40 as Big;
/// Test whether truncating all bits less significant than `ones_place` introduces
/// a relative error less, equal, or greater than 0.5 ULP.
pub fn compare_with_half_ulp(f: &Big, ones_place: usize) -> Ordering {
if ones_place == 0 {
return Less;
let half_bit = ones_place - 1;
if f.get_bit(half_bit) == 0 {
// < 0.5 ULP
return Less;
// If all remaining bits are zero, it's = 0.5 ULP, otherwise > 0.5
// If there are no more bits (half_bit == 0), the below also correctly returns Equal.
for i in 0..half_bit {
if f.get_bit(i) == 1 {
return Greater;
/// Converts an ASCII string containing only decimal digits to a `u64`.
/// Does not perform checks for overflow or invalid characters, so if the caller is not careful,
/// the result is bogus and can panic (though it won't be `unsafe`). Additionally, empty strings
/// are treated as zero. This function exists because
/// 1. using `FromStr` on `&[u8]` requires `from_utf8_unchecked`, which is bad, and
/// 2. piecing together the results of `integral.parse()` and `fractional.parse()` is
/// more complicated than this entire function.
pub fn from_str_unchecked<'a, T>(bytes: T) -> u64 where T : IntoIterator<Item=&'a u8> {
let mut result = 0;
for &c in bytes {
result = result * 10 + (c - b'0') as u64;
/// Converts a string of ASCII digits into a bignum.
/// Like `from_str_unchecked`, this function relies on the parser to weed out non-digits.
pub fn digits_to_big(integral: &[u8], fractional: &[u8]) -> Big {
let mut f = Big::from_small(0);
for &c in integral.iter().chain(fractional) {
let n = (c - b'0') as u32;
/// Unwraps a bignum into a 64 bit integer. Panics if the number is too large.
pub fn to_u64(x: &Big) -> u64 {
assert!(x.bit_length() < 64);
let d = x.digits();
if d.len() < 2 {
d[0] as u64
} else {
(d[1] as u64) << 32 | d[0] as u64
/// Extracts a range of bits.
/// Index 0 is the least significant bit and the range is half-open as usual.
/// Panics if asked to extract more bits than fit into the return type.
pub fn get_bits(x: &Big, start: usize, end: usize) -> u64 {
assert!(end - start <= 64);
let mut result: u64 = 0;
for i in (start..end).rev() {
result = result << 1 | x.get_bit(i) as u64;