blob: 30f036e471c4260b35afa8a1dbca11d9e1ca4da8 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::arena::Arena;
use rustc_data_structures::aligned::{align_of, Aligned};
use rustc_serialize::{Encodable, Encoder};
use std::alloc::Layout;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::iter;
use std::mem;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ptr;
use std::slice;
/// `List<T>` is a bit like `&[T]`, but with some critical differences.
/// - IMPORTANT: Every `List<T>` is *required* to have unique contents. The
/// type's correctness relies on this, *but it does not enforce it*.
/// Therefore, any code that creates a `List<T>` must ensure uniqueness
/// itself. In practice this is achieved by interning.
/// - The length is stored within the `List<T>`, so `&List<Ty>` is a thin
/// pointer.
/// - Because of this, you cannot get a `List<T>` that is a sub-list of another
/// `List<T>`. You can get a sub-slice `&[T]`, however.
/// - `List<T>` can be used with `CopyTaggedPtr`, which is useful within
/// structs whose size must be minimized.
/// - Because of the uniqueness assumption, we can use the address of a
/// `List<T>` for faster equality comparisons and hashing.
/// - `T` must be `Copy`. This lets `List<T>` be stored in a dropless arena and
/// iterators return a `T` rather than a `&T`.
/// - `T` must not be zero-sized.
pub struct List<T> {
len: usize,
/// Although this claims to be a zero-length array, in practice `len`
/// elements are actually present.
data: [T; 0],
opaque: OpaqueListContents,
extern "C" {
/// A dummy type used to force `List` to be unsized while not requiring
/// references to it be wide pointers.
type OpaqueListContents;
impl<T> List<T> {
/// Returns a reference to the (unique, static) empty list.
pub fn empty<'a>() -> &'a List<T> {
struct MaxAlign;
assert!(mem::align_of::<T>() <= mem::align_of::<MaxAlign>());
struct InOrder<T, U>(T, U);
// The empty slice is static and contains a single `0` usize (for the
// length) that is 64-byte aligned, thus featuring the necessary
// trailing padding for elements with up to 64-byte alignment.
static EMPTY_SLICE: InOrder<usize, MaxAlign> = InOrder(0, MaxAlign);
unsafe { &*(&EMPTY_SLICE as *const _ as *const List<T>) }
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[T] {
impl<T: Copy> List<T> {
/// Allocates a list from `arena` and copies the contents of `slice` into it.
/// WARNING: the contents *must be unique*, such that no list with these
/// contents has been previously created. If not, operations such as `eq`
/// and `hash` might give incorrect results.
/// Panics if `T` is `Drop`, or `T` is zero-sized, or the slice is empty
/// (because the empty list exists statically, and is available via
/// `empty()`).
pub(super) fn from_arena<'tcx>(arena: &'tcx Arena<'tcx>, slice: &[T]) -> &'tcx List<T> {
assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() != 0);
let (layout, _offset) =
let mem = arena.dropless.alloc_raw(layout) as *mut List<T>;
unsafe {
// Write the length
// Write the elements
.copy_from_nonoverlapping(slice.as_ptr(), slice.len());
// If this method didn't exist, we would use `slice.iter` due to
// deref coercion.
// This would be weird, as `self.into_iter` iterates over `T` directly.
pub fn iter(&self) -> <&'_ List<T> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter {
impl<T: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for List<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl<S: Encoder, T: Encodable<S>> Encodable<S> for List<T> {
fn encode(&self, s: &mut S) {
impl<T: PartialEq> PartialEq for List<T> {
fn eq(&self, other: &List<T>) -> bool {
// Pointer equality implies list equality (due to the unique contents
// assumption).
ptr::eq(self, other)
impl<T: Eq> Eq for List<T> {}
impl<T> Ord for List<T>
T: Ord,
fn cmp(&self, other: &List<T>) -> Ordering {
// Pointer equality implies list equality (due to the unique contents
// assumption), but the contents must be compared otherwise.
if self == other { Ordering::Equal } else { <[T] as Ord>::cmp(&**self, &**other) }
impl<T> PartialOrd for List<T>
T: PartialOrd,
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &List<T>) -> Option<Ordering> {
// Pointer equality implies list equality (due to the unique contents
// assumption), but the contents must be compared otherwise.
if self == other {
} else {
<[T] as PartialOrd>::partial_cmp(&**self, &**other)
impl<T> Hash for List<T> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, s: &mut H) {
// Pointer hashing is sufficient (due to the unique contents
// assumption).
(self as *const List<T>).hash(s)
impl<T> Deref for List<T> {
type Target = [T];
fn deref(&self) -> &[T] {
impl<T> AsRef<[T]> for List<T> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[T] {
unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(, self.len) }
impl<'a, T: Copy> IntoIterator for &'a List<T> {
type Item = T;
type IntoIter = iter::Copied<<&'a [T] as IntoIterator>::IntoIter>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
unsafe impl<T: Sync> Sync for List<T> {}
// Safety:
// Layouts of `Equivalent<T>` and `List<T>` are the same, modulo opaque tail,
// thus aligns of `Equivalent<T>` and `List<T>` must be the same.
unsafe impl<T> Aligned for List<T> {
const ALIGN: ptr::Alignment = {
struct Equivalent<T> {
_len: usize,
_data: [T; 0],