blob: f48de807c28c7e6fbb83a78b611141c906f8bf97 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Machinery for hygienic macros.
//! Inspired by Matthew Flatt et al., “Macros That Work Together: Compile-Time Bindings, Partial
//! Expansion, and Definition Contexts,” *Journal of Functional Programming* 22, no. 2
//! (March 1, 2012): 181–216, <>.
//! Also see <>
//! # The Expansion Order Hierarchy
//! `ExpnData` in rustc, rust-analyzer's version is [`MacroCallLoc`]. Traversing the hierarchy
//! upwards can be achieved by walking up [`MacroCallLoc::kind`]'s contained file id, as
//! [`MacroFile`]s are interned [`MacroCallLoc`]s.
//! # The Macro Definition Hierarchy
//! `SyntaxContextData` in rustc and rust-analyzer. Basically the same in both.
//! # The Call-site Hierarchy
//! `ExpnData::call_site` in rustc, [`MacroCallLoc::call_site`] in rust-analyzer.
// FIXME: Move this into the span crate? Not quite possible today as that depends on `MacroCallLoc`
// which contains a bunch of unrelated things
use std::iter;
use span::{MacroCallId, Span, SyntaxContextData, SyntaxContextId};
use crate::db::{ExpandDatabase, InternSyntaxContextQuery};
pub use span::Transparency;
pub fn span_with_def_site_ctxt(db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, span: Span, expn_id: MacroCallId) -> Span {
span_with_ctxt_from_mark(db, span, expn_id, Transparency::Opaque)
pub fn span_with_call_site_ctxt(db: &dyn ExpandDatabase, span: Span, expn_id: MacroCallId) -> Span {
span_with_ctxt_from_mark(db, span, expn_id, Transparency::Transparent)
pub fn span_with_mixed_site_ctxt(
db: &dyn ExpandDatabase,
span: Span,
expn_id: MacroCallId,
) -> Span {
span_with_ctxt_from_mark(db, span, expn_id, Transparency::SemiTransparent)
fn span_with_ctxt_from_mark(
db: &dyn ExpandDatabase,
span: Span,
expn_id: MacroCallId,
transparency: Transparency,
) -> Span {
Span { ctx: apply_mark(db, SyntaxContextId::ROOT, expn_id, transparency), ..span }
pub(super) fn apply_mark(
db: &dyn ExpandDatabase,
ctxt: SyntaxContextId,
call_id: MacroCallId,
transparency: Transparency,
) -> SyntaxContextId {
if transparency == Transparency::Opaque {
return apply_mark_internal(db, ctxt, call_id, transparency);
let call_site_ctxt = db.lookup_intern_macro_call(call_id).ctxt;
let mut call_site_ctxt = if transparency == Transparency::SemiTransparent {
} else {
if call_site_ctxt.is_root() {
return apply_mark_internal(db, ctxt, call_id, transparency);
// Otherwise, `expn_id` is a macros 1.0 definition and the call site is in a
// macros 2.0 expansion, i.e., a macros 1.0 invocation is in a macros 2.0 definition.
// In this case, the tokens from the macros 1.0 definition inherit the hygiene
// at their invocation. That is, we pretend that the macros 1.0 definition
// was defined at its invocation (i.e., inside the macros 2.0 definition)
// so that the macros 2.0 definition remains hygienic.
// See the example at `test/ui/hygiene/`.
for (call_id, transparency) in ctxt.marks(db) {
call_site_ctxt = apply_mark_internal(db, call_site_ctxt, call_id, transparency);
apply_mark_internal(db, call_site_ctxt, call_id, transparency)
fn apply_mark_internal(
db: &dyn ExpandDatabase,
ctxt: SyntaxContextId,
call_id: MacroCallId,
transparency: Transparency,
) -> SyntaxContextId {
use base_db::ra_salsa;
let call_id = Some(call_id);
let syntax_context_data = db.lookup_intern_syntax_context(ctxt);
let mut opaque = syntax_context_data.opaque;
let mut opaque_and_semitransparent = syntax_context_data.opaque_and_semitransparent;
if transparency >= Transparency::Opaque {
let parent = opaque;
opaque = ra_salsa::plumbing::get_query_table::<InternSyntaxContextQuery>(db).get_or_insert(
(parent, call_id, transparency),
|new_opaque| SyntaxContextData {
outer_expn: call_id,
outer_transparency: transparency,
opaque: new_opaque,
opaque_and_semitransparent: new_opaque,
if transparency >= Transparency::SemiTransparent {
let parent = opaque_and_semitransparent;
opaque_and_semitransparent =
(parent, call_id, transparency),
|new_opaque_and_semitransparent| SyntaxContextData {
outer_expn: call_id,
outer_transparency: transparency,
opaque_and_semitransparent: new_opaque_and_semitransparent,
let parent = ctxt;
db.intern_syntax_context(SyntaxContextData {
outer_expn: call_id,
outer_transparency: transparency,
pub trait SyntaxContextExt {
fn normalize_to_macro_rules(self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> Self;
fn normalize_to_macros_2_0(self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> Self;
fn parent_ctxt(self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> Self;
fn remove_mark(&mut self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> (Option<MacroCallId>, Transparency);
fn outer_mark(self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> (Option<MacroCallId>, Transparency);
fn marks(self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> Vec<(MacroCallId, Transparency)>;
fn is_opaque(self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> bool;
impl SyntaxContextExt for SyntaxContextId {
fn normalize_to_macro_rules(self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> Self {
fn normalize_to_macros_2_0(self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> Self {
fn parent_ctxt(self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> Self {
fn outer_mark(self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> (Option<MacroCallId>, Transparency) {
let data = db.lookup_intern_syntax_context(self);
(data.outer_expn, data.outer_transparency)
fn remove_mark(&mut self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> (Option<MacroCallId>, Transparency) {
let data = db.lookup_intern_syntax_context(*self);
*self = data.parent;
(data.outer_expn, data.outer_transparency)
fn marks(self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> Vec<(MacroCallId, Transparency)> {
let mut marks = marks_rev(self, db).collect::<Vec<_>>();
fn is_opaque(self, db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> bool {
!self.is_root() && db.lookup_intern_syntax_context(self).outer_transparency.is_opaque()
// FIXME: Make this a SyntaxContextExt method once we have RPIT
pub fn marks_rev(
ctxt: SyntaxContextId,
db: &dyn ExpandDatabase,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (MacroCallId, Transparency)> + '_ {
iter::successors(Some(ctxt), move |&mark| Some(mark.parent_ctxt(db)))
.take_while(|&it| !it.is_root())
.map(|ctx| {
let mark = ctx.outer_mark(db);
// We stop before taking the root expansion, as such we cannot encounter a `None` outer
// expansion, as only the ROOT has it.
(mark.0.unwrap(), mark.1)
pub(crate) fn dump_syntax_contexts(db: &dyn ExpandDatabase) -> String {
use crate::db::{InternMacroCallLookupQuery, InternSyntaxContextLookupQuery};
use base_db::ra_salsa::debug::DebugQueryTable;
let mut s = String::from("Expansions:");
let mut entries = InternMacroCallLookupQuery.in_db(db).entries::<Vec<_>>();
entries.sort_by_key(|e| e.key);
for e in entries {
let id = e.key;
let expn_data = e.value.as_ref().unwrap();
"\n{:?}: parent: {:?}, call_site_ctxt: {:?}, kind: {:?}",
let mut entries = InternSyntaxContextLookupQuery.in_db(db).entries::<Vec<_>>();
entries.sort_by_key(|e| e.key);
for e in entries {
struct SyntaxContextDebug<'a>(
&'a dyn ExpandDatabase,
&'a SyntaxContextData,
impl std::fmt::Debug for SyntaxContextDebug<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
fancy_debug(self.2, self.1, self.0, f)
fn fancy_debug(
this: &SyntaxContextData,
self_id: SyntaxContextId,
db: &dyn ExpandDatabase,
f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "#{self_id} parent: #{}, outer_mark: (", this.parent)?;
match this.outer_expn {
Some(id) => {
write!(f, "{:?}::{{{{expn{:?}}}}}", db.lookup_intern_macro_call(id).krate, id)?
None => write!(f, "root")?,
write!(f, ", {:?})", this.outer_transparency)
stdx::format_to!(s, "{:?}\n", SyntaxContextDebug(db, e.key, &e.value.unwrap()));