blob: 083dd4800d93e00ec5b5e503ed48b927cc788828 [file] [log] [blame]
#![feature(rustc_private, stmt_expr_attributes)]
extern crate rustc_data_structures;
extern crate rustc_driver;
extern crate rustc_hir;
extern crate rustc_interface;
extern crate rustc_metadata;
extern crate rustc_middle;
extern crate rustc_session;
use std::env;
use std::num::NonZeroU64;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::str::FromStr;
use log::debug;
use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc;
use rustc_driver::Compilation;
use rustc_hir::{self as hir, Node};
use rustc_interface::interface::Config;
use rustc_middle::{
ExportedSymbol, SymbolExportInfo, SymbolExportKind, SymbolExportLevel,
query::{ExternProviders, LocalCrate},
use rustc_session::config::OptLevel;
use rustc_session::{config::CrateType, search_paths::PathKind, CtfeBacktrace};
use miri::{BacktraceStyle, BorrowTrackerMethod, ProvenanceMode, RetagFields};
struct MiriCompilerCalls {
miri_config: miri::MiriConfig,
impl rustc_driver::Callbacks for MiriCompilerCalls {
fn config(&mut self, config: &mut Config) {
config.override_queries = Some(|_, _, external_providers| {
external_providers.used_crate_source = |tcx, cnum| {
let mut providers = ExternProviders::default();
rustc_metadata::provide_extern(&mut providers);
let mut crate_source = (providers.used_crate_source)(tcx, cnum);
// HACK: rustc will emit "crate ... required to be available in rlib format, but
// was not found in this form" errors once we use `tcx.dependency_formats()` if
// there's no rlib provided, so setting a dummy path here to workaround those errors.
Lrc::make_mut(&mut crate_source).rlib = Some((PathBuf::new(), PathKind::All));
fn after_analysis<'tcx>(
&mut self,
_: &rustc_interface::interface::Compiler,
queries: &'tcx rustc_interface::Queries<'tcx>,
) -> Compilation {
queries.global_ctxt().unwrap().enter(|tcx| {
if tcx.sess.compile_status().is_err() {
tcx.sess.fatal("miri cannot be run on programs that fail compilation");
if !tcx.sess.crate_types().contains(&CrateType::Executable) {
tcx.sess.fatal("miri only makes sense on bin crates");
let (entry_def_id, entry_type) = if let Some(entry_def) = tcx.entry_fn(()) {
} else {
tcx.sess.fatal("miri can only run programs that have a main function");
let mut config = self.miri_config.clone();
// Add filename to `miri` arguments.
// Adjust working directory for interpretation.
if let Some(cwd) = env::var_os("MIRI_CWD") {
if tcx.sess.opts.optimize != OptLevel::No {
tcx.sess.warn("Miri does not support optimizations. If you have enabled optimizations \
by selecting a Cargo profile (such as --release) which changes other profile settings \
such as whether debug assertions and overflow checks are enabled, those settings are \
still applied.");
if tcx.sess.mir_opt_level() > 0 {
tcx.sess.warn("You have explicitly enabled MIR optimizations, overriding Miri's default \
which is to completely disable them. Any optimizations may hide UB that Miri would \
otherwise detect, and it is not necessarily possible to predict what kind of UB will \
be missed. If you are enabling optimizations to make Miri run faster, we advise using \
cfg(miri) to shrink your workload instead. The performance benefit of enabling MIR \
optimizations is usually marginal at best.");
if let Some(return_code) = miri::eval_entry(tcx, entry_def_id, entry_type, config) {
i32::try_from(return_code).expect("Return value was too large!"),
struct MiriBeRustCompilerCalls {
target_crate: bool,
impl rustc_driver::Callbacks for MiriBeRustCompilerCalls {
#[allow(rustc::potential_query_instability)] // rustc_codegen_ssa (where this code is copied from) also allows this lint
fn config(&mut self, config: &mut Config) {
if config.opts.prints.is_empty() && self.target_crate {
// Queries overridden here affect the data stored in `rmeta` files of dependencies,
// which will be used later in non-`MIRI_BE_RUSTC` mode.
config.override_queries = Some(|_, local_providers, _| {
// `exported_symbols` and `reachable_non_generics` provided by rustc always returns
// an empty result if `tcx.sess.opts.output_types.should_codegen()` is false.
local_providers.exported_symbols = |tcx, LocalCrate| {
let reachable_set = tcx.with_stable_hashing_context(|hcx| {
tcx.reachable_set(()).to_sorted(&hcx, true)
// This is based on:
reachable_set.into_iter().filter_map(|&local_def_id| {
// Do the same filtering that rustc does:
// Otherwise it may cause unexpected behaviours and ICEs
// (
let is_reachable_non_generic = matches!(
Node::Item(&hir::Item {
kind: hir::ItemKind::Static(..) | hir::ItemKind::Fn(..),
}) | Node::ImplItem(&hir::ImplItem {
kind: hir::ImplItemKind::Fn(..),
if !tcx.generics_of(local_def_id).requires_monomorphization(tcx)
&& tcx.codegen_fn_attrs(local_def_id).contains_extern_indicator())
// Some dummy `SymbolExportInfo` here. We only use
// `exported_symbols` in shims/ and the export info
// is ignored.
SymbolExportInfo {
level: SymbolExportLevel::C,
kind: SymbolExportKind::Text,
used: false,
fn show_error(msg: &impl std::fmt::Display) -> ! {
eprintln!("fatal error: {msg}");
macro_rules! show_error {
($($tt:tt)*) => { show_error(&format_args!($($tt)*)) };
fn init_early_loggers() {
// Note that our `extern crate log` is *not* the same as rustc's; as a result, we have to
// initialize them both, and we always initialize `miri`'s first.
let env = env_logger::Env::new().filter("MIRI_LOG").write_style("MIRI_LOG_STYLE");
// Enable verbose entry/exit logging by default if MIRI_LOG is set.
if env::var_os("MIRI_LOG").is_some() && env::var_os("RUSTC_LOG_ENTRY_EXIT").is_none() {
env::set_var("RUSTC_LOG_ENTRY_EXIT", "1");
// We only initialize `rustc` if the env var is set (so the user asked for it).
// If it is not set, we avoid initializing now so that we can initialize
// later with our custom settings, and *not* log anything for what happens before
// `miri` gets started.
if env::var_os("RUSTC_LOG").is_some() {
fn init_late_loggers(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) {
// We initialize loggers right before we start evaluation. We overwrite the `RUSTC_LOG`
// env var if it is not set, control it based on `MIRI_LOG`.
// (FIXME: use `var_os`, but then we need to manually concatenate instead of `format!`.)
if let Ok(var) = env::var("MIRI_LOG") {
if env::var_os("RUSTC_LOG").is_none() {
// We try to be a bit clever here: if `MIRI_LOG` is just a single level
// used for everything, we only apply it to the parts of rustc that are
// CTFE-related. Otherwise, we use it verbatim for `RUSTC_LOG`.
// This way, if you set `MIRI_LOG=trace`, you get only the right parts of
// rustc traced, but you can also do `MIRI_LOG=miri=trace,rustc_const_eval::interpret=debug`.
if log::Level::from_str(&var).is_ok() {
} else {
env::set_var("RUSTC_LOG", &var);
// Do this late, so we ideally only apply this to Miri's errors.
if let Some(val) = env::var_os("MIRI_BACKTRACE") {
let ctfe_backtrace = match &*val.to_string_lossy() {
"immediate" => CtfeBacktrace::Immediate,
"0" => CtfeBacktrace::Disabled,
_ => CtfeBacktrace::Capture,
*tcx.sess.ctfe_backtrace.borrow_mut() = ctfe_backtrace;
/// Execute a compiler with the given CLI arguments and callbacks.
fn run_compiler(
mut args: Vec<String>,
target_crate: bool,
callbacks: &mut (dyn rustc_driver::Callbacks + Send),
) -> ! {
if target_crate {
// Miri needs a custom sysroot for target crates.
// If no `--sysroot` is given, the `MIRI_SYSROOT` env var is consulted to find where
// that sysroot lives, and that is passed to rustc.
let sysroot_flag = "--sysroot";
if !args.iter().any(|e| e == sysroot_flag) {
// Using the built-in default here would be plain wrong, so we *require*
// the env var to make sure things make sense.
let miri_sysroot = env::var("MIRI_SYSROOT").unwrap_or_else(|_| {
"Miri was invoked in 'target' mode without `MIRI_SYSROOT` or `--sysroot` being set"
// Don't insert `MIRI_DEFAULT_ARGS`, in particular, `--cfg=miri`, if we are building
// a "host" crate. That may cause procedural macros (and probably build scripts) to
// depend on Miri-only symbols, such as `miri_resolve_frame`:
if target_crate {
// Some options have different defaults in Miri than in plain rustc; apply those by making
// them the first arguments after the binary name (but later arguments can overwrite them).
args.splice(1..1, miri::MIRI_DEFAULT_ARGS.iter().map(ToString::to_string));
// Invoke compiler, and handle return code.
let exit_code = rustc_driver::catch_with_exit_code(move || {
rustc_driver::RunCompiler::new(&args, callbacks).run()
/// Parses a comma separated list of `T` from the given string:
/// `<value1>,<value2>,<value3>,...`
fn parse_comma_list<T: FromStr>(input: &str) -> Result<Vec<T>, T::Err> {
fn main() {
// Snapshot a copy of the environment before `rustc` starts messing with it.
// (`install_ice_hook` might change `RUST_BACKTRACE`.)
let env_snapshot = env::vars_os().collect::<Vec<_>>();
// If the environment asks us to actually be rustc, then do that.
if let Some(crate_kind) = env::var_os("MIRI_BE_RUSTC") {
// Earliest rustc setup.
rustc_driver::install_ice_hook(rustc_driver::DEFAULT_BUG_REPORT_URL, |_| ());
let target_crate = if crate_kind == "target" {
} else if crate_kind == "host" {
} else {
panic!("invalid `MIRI_BE_RUSTC` value: {crate_kind:?}")
// We cannot use `rustc_driver::main` as we need to adjust the CLI arguments.
&mut MiriBeRustCompilerCalls { target_crate },
// Add an ICE bug report hook.
rustc_driver::install_ice_hook("", |_| ());
// Init loggers the Miri way.
// Parse our arguments and split them across `rustc` and `miri`.
let mut miri_config = miri::MiriConfig::default();
miri_config.env = env_snapshot;
let mut rustc_args = vec![];
let mut after_dashdash = false;
// If user has explicitly enabled/disabled isolation
let mut isolation_enabled: Option<bool> = None;
for arg in env::args() {
if rustc_args.is_empty() {
// Very first arg: binary name.
} else if after_dashdash {
// Everything that comes after `--` is forwarded to the interpreted crate.
} else if arg == "--" {
after_dashdash = true;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-disable-validation" {
miri_config.validate = false;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-disable-stacked-borrows" {
miri_config.borrow_tracker = None;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-tree-borrows" {
miri_config.borrow_tracker = Some(BorrowTrackerMethod::TreeBorrows);
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-disable-data-race-detector" {
miri_config.data_race_detector = false;
miri_config.weak_memory_emulation = false;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-disable-alignment-check" {
miri_config.check_alignment = miri::AlignmentCheck::None;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-symbolic-alignment-check" {
miri_config.check_alignment = miri::AlignmentCheck::Symbolic;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-check-number-validity" {
"WARNING: the flag `-Zmiri-check-number-validity` no longer has any effect \
since it is now enabled by default"
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-disable-abi-check" {
miri_config.check_abi = false;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-disable-isolation" {
if matches!(isolation_enabled, Some(true)) {
"-Zmiri-disable-isolation cannot be used along with -Zmiri-isolation-error"
} else {
isolation_enabled = Some(false);
miri_config.isolated_op = miri::IsolatedOp::Allow;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-disable-leak-backtraces" {
miri_config.collect_leak_backtraces = false;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-disable-weak-memory-emulation" {
miri_config.weak_memory_emulation = false;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-track-weak-memory-loads" {
miri_config.track_outdated_loads = true;
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-isolation-error=") {
if matches!(isolation_enabled, Some(false)) {
"-Zmiri-isolation-error cannot be used along with -Zmiri-disable-isolation"
} else {
isolation_enabled = Some(true);
miri_config.isolated_op = match param {
"abort" => miri::IsolatedOp::Reject(miri::RejectOpWith::Abort),
"hide" => miri::IsolatedOp::Reject(miri::RejectOpWith::NoWarning),
"warn" => miri::IsolatedOp::Reject(miri::RejectOpWith::Warning),
"warn-nobacktrace" =>
_ =>
"-Zmiri-isolation-error must be `abort`, `hide`, `warn`, or `warn-nobacktrace`"
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-ignore-leaks" {
miri_config.ignore_leaks = true;
miri_config.collect_leak_backtraces = false;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-panic-on-unsupported" {
miri_config.panic_on_unsupported = true;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers" {
eprintln!("WARNING: `-Zmiri-tag-raw-pointers` has no effect; it is enabled by default");
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-strict-provenance" {
miri_config.provenance_mode = ProvenanceMode::Strict;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-permissive-provenance" {
miri_config.provenance_mode = ProvenanceMode::Permissive;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-mute-stdout-stderr" {
miri_config.mute_stdout_stderr = true;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-retag-fields" {
miri_config.retag_fields = RetagFields::Yes;
} else if let Some(retag_fields) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-retag-fields=") {
miri_config.retag_fields = match retag_fields {
"all" => RetagFields::Yes,
"none" => RetagFields::No,
"scalar" => RetagFields::OnlyScalar,
_ => show_error!("`-Zmiri-retag-fields` can only be `all`, `none`, or `scalar`"),
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-track-raw-pointers" {
"WARNING: `-Zmiri-track-raw-pointers` has no effect; it is enabled by default"
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-seed=") {
if miri_config.seed.is_some() {
show_error!("Cannot specify -Zmiri-seed multiple times!");
let seed = param.parse::<u64>().unwrap_or_else(|_| {
show_error!("-Zmiri-seed must be an integer that fits into u64")
miri_config.seed = Some(seed);
} else if let Some(_param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-env-exclude=") {
"`-Zmiri-env-exclude` has been removed; unset env vars before starting Miri instead"
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-env-forward=") {
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-track-pointer-tag=") {
let ids: Vec<u64> = match parse_comma_list(param) {
Ok(ids) => ids,
Err(err) =>
"-Zmiri-track-pointer-tag requires a comma separated list of valid `u64` arguments: {}",
for id in ids.into_iter().map(miri::BorTag::new) {
if let Some(id) = id {
} else {
show_error!("-Zmiri-track-pointer-tag requires nonzero arguments");
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-track-call-id=") {
let ids: Vec<u64> = match parse_comma_list(param) {
Ok(ids) => ids,
Err(err) =>
"-Zmiri-track-call-id requires a comma separated list of valid `u64` arguments: {}",
for id in ids.into_iter().map(miri::CallId::new) {
if let Some(id) = id {
} else {
show_error!("-Zmiri-track-call-id requires a nonzero argument");
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-track-alloc-id=") {
let ids: Vec<miri::AllocId> = match parse_comma_list::<NonZeroU64>(param) {
Ok(ids) => ids.into_iter().map(miri::AllocId).collect(),
Err(err) =>
"-Zmiri-track-alloc-id requires a comma separated list of valid non-zero `u64` arguments: {}",
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-compare-exchange-weak-failure-rate=") {
let rate = match param.parse::<f64>() {
Ok(rate) if rate >= 0.0 && rate <= 1.0 => rate,
Ok(_) =>
"-Zmiri-compare-exchange-weak-failure-rate must be between `0.0` and `1.0`"
Err(err) =>
"-Zmiri-compare-exchange-weak-failure-rate requires a `f64` between `0.0` and `1.0`: {}",
miri_config.cmpxchg_weak_failure_rate = rate;
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-preemption-rate=") {
let rate = match param.parse::<f64>() {
Ok(rate) if rate >= 0.0 && rate <= 1.0 => rate,
Ok(_) => show_error!("-Zmiri-preemption-rate must be between `0.0` and `1.0`"),
Err(err) =>
"-Zmiri-preemption-rate requires a `f64` between `0.0` and `1.0`: {}",
miri_config.preemption_rate = rate;
} else if arg == "-Zmiri-report-progress" {
// This makes it take a few seconds between progress reports on my laptop.
miri_config.report_progress = Some(1_000_000);
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-report-progress=") {
let interval = match param.parse::<u32>() {
Ok(i) => i,
Err(err) => show_error!("-Zmiri-report-progress requires a `u32`: {}", err),
miri_config.report_progress = Some(interval);
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-tag-gc=") {
let interval = match param.parse::<u32>() {
Ok(i) => i,
Err(err) => show_error!("-Zmiri-tag-gc requires a `u32`: {}", err),
miri_config.gc_interval = interval;
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-measureme=") {
miri_config.measureme_out = Some(param.to_string());
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-backtrace=") {
miri_config.backtrace_style = match param {
"0" => BacktraceStyle::Off,
"1" => BacktraceStyle::Short,
"full" => BacktraceStyle::Full,
_ => show_error!("-Zmiri-backtrace may only be 0, 1, or full"),
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-extern-so-file=") {
let filename = param.to_string();
if std::path::Path::new(&filename).exists() {
if let Some(other_filename) = miri_config.external_so_file {
"-Zmiri-extern-so-file is already set to {}",
miri_config.external_so_file = Some(filename.into());
} else {
show_error!("-Zmiri-extern-so-file `{}` does not exist", filename);
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-num-cpus=") {
let num_cpus = match param.parse::<u32>() {
Ok(i) => i,
Err(err) => show_error!("-Zmiri-num-cpus requires a `u32`: {}", err),
miri_config.num_cpus = num_cpus;
} else if let Some(param) = arg.strip_prefix("-Zmiri-force-page-size=") {
let page_size = match param.parse::<u64>() {
Ok(i) =>
if i.is_power_of_two() {
i * 1024
} else {
show_error!("-Zmiri-force-page-size requires a power of 2: {}", i)
Err(err) => show_error!("-Zmiri-force-page-size requires a `u64`: {}", err),
miri_config.page_size = Some(page_size);
} else {
// Forward to rustc.
debug!("rustc arguments: {:?}", rustc_args);
debug!("crate arguments: {:?}", miri_config.args);
run_compiler(rustc_args, /* target_crate: */ true, &mut MiriCompilerCalls { miri_config })