blob: 7ca1a2e7e90c28ae9317cfe189becc652c19f606 [file] [log] [blame]
#![feature(const_fn, thread_local)]
static A: u32 = 1;
static B: u32 = A;
//~^ ERROR thread-local statics cannot be accessed at compile-time
static C: &u32 = &A;
//~^ ERROR thread-local statics cannot be accessed at compile-time
//~| WARNING thread-local variable borrowed past end of function
//~| WARNING this error has been downgraded to a warning
//~| WARNING this warning will become a hard error in the future
const D: u32 = A;
//~^ ERROR thread-local statics cannot be accessed at compile-time
const E: &u32 = &A;
//~^ ERROR thread-local statics cannot be accessed at compile-time
//~| WARNING thread-local variable borrowed past end of function
//~| WARNING this error has been downgraded to a warning
//~| WARNING this warning will become a hard error in the future
const fn f() -> u32 {
//~^ ERROR thread-local statics cannot be accessed at compile-time
fn main() {}