blob: ec5594375709bd01b859f3d769804440c0dd68ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Test that we assume that universal types like `T` outlive the
// function body. Same as ty-param-fn-body, but uses `feature(nll)`,
// which affects error reporting.
use std::cell::Cell;
// No errors here, because `'a` is local to the body.
fn region_within_body<T>(t: T) {
let some_int = 22;
let cell = Cell::new(&some_int);
outlives(cell, t)
// Error here, because T: 'a is not satisfied.
fn region_static<'a, T>(cell: Cell<&'a usize>, t: T) {
outlives(cell, t)
//~^ ERROR the parameter type `T` may not live long enough
fn outlives<'a, T>(x: Cell<&'a usize>, y: T)
T: 'a,
fn main() {}