blob: e2d0c263e65f33d10dbcfd3b576eb2c6661aeb6f [file] [log] [blame]
// At time of authorship, #[proc_macro_derive = "2500"] will emit an
// error when it occurs on a mod (apart from crate-level), but will
// not descend further into the mod for other occurrences of the same
// error.
// This file sits on its own because the "weird" occurrences here
// signal errors, making it incompatible with the "warnings only"
// nature of
#[proc_macro_derive = "2500"]
//~^ ERROR the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
mod proc_macro_derive1 {
mod inner { #![proc_macro_derive="2500"] }
// (no error issued here if there was one on outer module)
mod proc_macro_derive2 {
mod inner { #![proc_macro_derive="2500"] }
//~^ ERROR the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
#[proc_macro_derive = "2500"] fn f() { }
//~^ ERROR the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute is only usable with crates of the `proc-macro`
#[proc_macro_derive = "2500"] struct S;
//~^ ERROR the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
#[proc_macro_derive = "2500"] type T = S;
//~^ ERROR the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
#[proc_macro_derive = "2500"] impl S { }
//~^ ERROR the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute may only be used on bare functions
fn main() {}