blob: 63eec50c2d29f06b37c849bd10bdacc6e23c9ab6 [file] [log] [blame]
fn foo() {
//~^ ERROR chained comparison
//~| ERROR expected value, found struct `Vec`
//~| ERROR expected value, found builtin type `i32`
//~| ERROR attempted to take value of method `collect`
fn bar() {
//~^ ERROR chained comparison
//~| ERROR expected value, found struct `Vec`
//~| ERROR expected value, found builtin type `i32`
//~| ERROR cannot find function `new` in the crate root
fn qux() {
//~^ ERROR chained comparison
//~| ERROR chained comparison
//~| ERROR expected value, found struct `Vec`
//~| ERROR expected value, found builtin type `i32`
//~| ERROR attempted to take value of method `collect`
//~| ERROR mismatched types
fn main() {}