blob: a72ecdb5745bbcfe8c884e43b00c714576b7a000 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::hir;
use crate::hir::def::{Namespace, DefKind};
use crate::hir::map::{DefPathData, DisambiguatedDefPathData};
use crate::hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId, CRATE_DEF_INDEX, LOCAL_CRATE};
use crate::middle::cstore::{ExternCrate, ExternCrateSource};
use crate::middle::region;
use crate::ty::{self, DefIdTree, ParamConst, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeFoldable};
use crate::ty::subst::{Kind, Subst, UnpackedKind};
use crate::ty::layout::{Integer, IntegerExt, Size};
use crate::mir::interpret::{ConstValue, sign_extend, Scalar, truncate};
use syntax::ast;
use rustc_apfloat::ieee::{Double, Single};
use rustc_apfloat::Float;
use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
use syntax::attr::{SignedInt, UnsignedInt};
use syntax::symbol::{kw, InternedString};
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::fmt::{self, Write as _};
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
// `pretty` is a separate module only for organization.
use super::*;
macro_rules! p {
(@write($($data:expr),+)) => {
write!(scoped_cx!(), $($data),+)?
(@print($x:expr)) => {
scoped_cx!() = $x.print(scoped_cx!())?
(@$method:ident($($arg:expr),*)) => {
scoped_cx!() = scoped_cx!().$method($($arg),*)?
($($kind:ident $data:tt),+) => {{
$(p!(@$kind $data);)+
macro_rules! define_scoped_cx {
($cx:ident) => {
macro_rules! scoped_cx {
() => ($cx)
thread_local! {
static FORCE_IMPL_FILENAME_LINE: Cell<bool> = Cell::new(false);
static SHOULD_PREFIX_WITH_CRATE: Cell<bool> = Cell::new(false);
/// Force us to name impls with just the filename/line number. We
/// normally try to use types. But at some points, notably while printing
/// cycle errors, this can result in extra or suboptimal error output,
/// so this variable disables that check.
pub fn with_forced_impl_filename_line<F: FnOnce() -> R, R>(f: F) -> R {
let old = force.get();
let result = f();
/// Adds the `crate::` prefix to paths where appropriate.
pub fn with_crate_prefix<F: FnOnce() -> R, R>(f: F) -> R {
let old = flag.get();
let result = f();
/// The "region highlights" are used to control region printing during
/// specific error messages. When a "region highlight" is enabled, it
/// gives an alternate way to print specific regions. For now, we
/// always print those regions using a number, so something like "`'0`".
/// Regions not selected by the region highlight mode are presently
/// unaffected.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct RegionHighlightMode {
/// If enabled, when we see the selected region, use "`'N`"
/// instead of the ordinary behavior.
highlight_regions: [Option<(ty::RegionKind, usize)>; 3],
/// If enabled, when printing a "free region" that originated from
/// the given `ty::BoundRegion`, print it as "`'1`". Free regions that would ordinarily
/// have names print as normal.
/// This is used when you have a signature like `fn foo(x: &u32,
/// y: &'a u32)` and we want to give a name to the region of the
/// reference `x`.
highlight_bound_region: Option<(ty::BoundRegion, usize)>,
impl RegionHighlightMode {
/// If `region` and `number` are both `Some`, invokes
/// `highlighting_region`.
pub fn maybe_highlighting_region(
&mut self,
region: Option<ty::Region<'_>>,
number: Option<usize>,
) {
if let Some(k) = region {
if let Some(n) = number {
self.highlighting_region(k, n);
/// Highlights the region inference variable `vid` as `'N`.
pub fn highlighting_region(
&mut self,
region: ty::Region<'_>,
number: usize,
) {
let num_slots = self.highlight_regions.len();
let first_avail_slot = self.highlight_regions.iter_mut()
.filter(|s| s.is_none())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
"can only highlight {} placeholders at a time",
*first_avail_slot = Some((*region, number));
/// Convenience wrapper for `highlighting_region`.
pub fn highlighting_region_vid(
&mut self,
vid: ty::RegionVid,
number: usize,
) {
self.highlighting_region(&ty::ReVar(vid), number)
/// Returns `Some(n)` with the number to use for the given region, if any.
fn region_highlighted(&self, region: ty::Region<'_>) -> Option<usize> {
.filter_map(|h| match h {
Some((r, n)) if r == region => Some(*n),
_ => None,
/// Highlight the given bound region.
/// We can only highlight one bound region at a time. See
/// the field `highlight_bound_region` for more detailed notes.
pub fn highlighting_bound_region(
&mut self,
br: ty::BoundRegion,
number: usize,
) {
self.highlight_bound_region = Some((br, number));
/// Trait for printers that pretty-print using `fmt::Write` to the printer.
pub trait PrettyPrinter<'tcx>:
Error = fmt::Error,
Path = Self,
Region = Self,
Type = Self,
DynExistential = Self,
Const = Self,
> + fmt::Write
/// Like `print_def_path` but for value paths.
fn print_value_path(
def_id: DefId,
substs: &'tcx [Kind<'tcx>],
) -> Result<Self::Path, Self::Error> {
self.print_def_path(def_id, substs)
fn in_binder<T>(self, value: &ty::Binder<T>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>
T: Print<'tcx, Self, Output = Self, Error = Self::Error> + TypeFoldable<'tcx>,
/// Print comma-separated elements.
fn comma_sep<T>(mut self, mut elems: impl Iterator<Item = T>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>
T: Print<'tcx, Self, Output = Self, Error = Self::Error>,
if let Some(first) = {
self = first.print(self)?;
for elem in elems {
self.write_str(", ")?;
self = elem.print(self)?;
/// Print `<...>` around what `f` prints.
fn generic_delimiters(
f: impl FnOnce(Self) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>,
) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;
/// Return `true` if the region should be printed in
/// optional positions, e.g. `&'a T` or `dyn Tr + 'b`.
/// This is typically the case for all non-`'_` regions.
fn region_should_not_be_omitted(
region: ty::Region<'_>,
) -> bool;
// Defaults (should not be overriden):
/// If possible, this returns a global path resolving to `def_id` that is visible
/// from at least one local module and returns true. If the crate defining `def_id` is
/// declared with an `extern crate`, the path is guaranteed to use the `extern crate`.
fn try_print_visible_def_path(
def_id: DefId,
) -> Result<(Self, bool), Self::Error> {
let mut callers = Vec::new();
self.try_print_visible_def_path_recur(def_id, &mut callers)
/// Does the work of `try_print_visible_def_path`, building the
/// full definition path recursively before attempting to
/// post-process it into the valid and visible version that
/// accounts for re-exports.
/// This method should only be callled by itself or
/// `try_print_visible_def_path`.
/// `callers` is a chain of visible_parent's leading to `def_id`,
/// to support cycle detection during recursion.
fn try_print_visible_def_path_recur(
mut self,
def_id: DefId,
callers: &mut Vec<DefId>,
) -> Result<(Self, bool), Self::Error> {
debug!("try_print_visible_def_path: def_id={:?}", def_id);
// If `def_id` is a direct or injected extern crate, return the
// path to the crate followed by the path to the item within the crate.
if def_id.index == CRATE_DEF_INDEX {
let cnum = def_id.krate;
if cnum == LOCAL_CRATE {
return Ok((self.path_crate(cnum)?, true));
// In local mode, when we encounter a crate other than
// LOCAL_CRATE, execution proceeds in one of two ways:
// 1. for a direct dependency, where user added an
// `extern crate` manually, we put the `extern
// crate` as the parent. So you wind up with
// something relative to the current crate.
// 2. for an extern inferred from a path or an indirect crate,
// where there is no explicit `extern crate`, we just prepend
// the crate name.
match self.tcx().extern_crate(def_id) {
Some(&ExternCrate {
src: ExternCrateSource::Extern(def_id),
direct: true,
}) => {
debug!("try_print_visible_def_path: def_id={:?}", def_id);
return Ok((if !span.is_dummy() {
self.print_def_path(def_id, &[])?
} else {
}, true));
None => {
return Ok((self.path_crate(cnum)?, true));
_ => {},
if def_id.is_local() {
return Ok((self, false));
let visible_parent_map = self.tcx().visible_parent_map(LOCAL_CRATE);
let mut cur_def_key = self.tcx().def_key(def_id);
debug!("try_print_visible_def_path: cur_def_key={:?}", cur_def_key);
// For a constructor we want the name of its parent rather than <unnamed>.
match {
DefPathData::Ctor => {
let parent = DefId {
krate: def_id.krate,
index: cur_def_key.parent
.expect("DefPathData::Ctor/VariantData missing a parent"),
cur_def_key = self.tcx().def_key(parent);
_ => {},
let visible_parent = match visible_parent_map.get(&def_id).cloned() {
Some(parent) => parent,
None => return Ok((self, false)),
if callers.contains(&visible_parent) {
return Ok((self, false));
// HACK(eddyb) this bypasses `path_append`'s prefix printing to avoid
// knowing ahead of time whether the entire path will succeed or not.
// To support printers that do not implement `PrettyPrinter`, a `Vec` or
// linked list on the stack would need to be built, before any printing.
match self.try_print_visible_def_path_recur(visible_parent, callers)? {
(cx, false) => return Ok((cx, false)),
(cx, true) => self = cx,
let actual_parent = self.tcx().parent(def_id);
"try_print_visible_def_path: visible_parent={:?} actual_parent={:?}",
visible_parent, actual_parent,
let mut data =;
"try_print_visible_def_path: data={:?} visible_parent={:?} actual_parent={:?}",
data, visible_parent, actual_parent,
match data {
// In order to output a path that could actually be imported (valid and visible),
// we need to handle re-exports correctly.
// For example, take `std::os::unix::process::CommandExt`, this trait is actually
// defined at `std::sys::unix::ext::process::CommandExt` (at time of writing).
// `std::os::unix` rexports the contents of `std::sys::unix::ext`. `std::sys` is
// private so the "true" path to `CommandExt` isn't accessible.
// In this case, the `visible_parent_map` will look something like this:
// (child) -> (parent)
// `std::sys::unix::ext::process::CommandExt` -> `std::sys::unix::ext::process`
// `std::sys::unix::ext::process` -> `std::sys::unix::ext`
// `std::sys::unix::ext` -> `std::os`
// This is correct, as the visible parent of `std::sys::unix::ext` is in fact
// `std::os`.
// When printing the path to `CommandExt` and looking at the `cur_def_key` that
// corresponds to `std::sys::unix::ext`, we would normally print `ext` and then go
// to the parent - resulting in a mangled path like
// `std::os::ext::process::CommandExt`.
// Instead, we must detect that there was a re-export and instead print `unix`
// (which is the name `std::sys::unix::ext` was re-exported as in `std::os`). To
// do this, we compare the parent of `std::sys::unix::ext` (`std::sys::unix`) with
// the visible parent (`std::os`). If these do not match, then we iterate over
// the children of the visible parent (as was done when computing
// `visible_parent_map`), looking for the specific child we currently have and then
// have access to the re-exported name.
DefPathData::TypeNs(ref mut name) if Some(visible_parent) != actual_parent => {
let reexport = self.tcx().item_children(visible_parent)
.find(|child| child.res.def_id() == def_id)
.map(|child| child.ident.as_interned_str());
if let Some(reexport) = reexport {
*name = reexport;
// Re-exported `extern crate` (#43189).
DefPathData::CrateRoot => {
data = DefPathData::TypeNs(
_ => {}
debug!("try_print_visible_def_path: data={:?}", data);
Ok((self.path_append(Ok, &DisambiguatedDefPathData {
disambiguator: 0,
})?, true))
fn pretty_path_qualified(
self_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
trait_ref: Option<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>,
) -> Result<Self::Path, Self::Error> {
if trait_ref.is_none() {
// Inherent impls. Try to print `Foo::bar` for an inherent
// impl on `Foo`, but fallback to `<Foo>::bar` if self-type is
// anything other than a simple path.
match self_ty.sty {
ty::Adt(..) | ty::Foreign(_) |
ty::Bool | ty::Char | ty::Str |
ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_) | ty::Float(_) => {
return self_ty.print(self);
_ => {}
self.generic_delimiters(|mut cx| {
if let Some(trait_ref) = trait_ref {
p!(write(" as "), print(trait_ref));
fn pretty_path_append_impl(
mut self,
print_prefix: impl FnOnce(Self) -> Result<Self::Path, Self::Error>,
self_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
trait_ref: Option<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>,
) -> Result<Self::Path, Self::Error> {
self = print_prefix(self)?;
self.generic_delimiters(|mut cx| {
p!(write("impl "));
if let Some(trait_ref) = trait_ref {
p!(print(trait_ref), write(" for "));
fn pretty_print_type(
mut self,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> Result<Self::Type, Self::Error> {
match ty.sty {
ty::Bool => p!(write("bool")),
ty::Char => p!(write("char")),
ty::Int(t) => p!(write("{}", t.ty_to_string())),
ty::Uint(t) => p!(write("{}", t.ty_to_string())),
ty::Float(t) => p!(write("{}", t.ty_to_string())),
ty::RawPtr(ref tm) => {
p!(write("*{} ", match tm.mutbl {
hir::MutMutable => "mut",
hir::MutImmutable => "const",
ty::Ref(r, ty, mutbl) => {
if self.region_should_not_be_omitted(r) {
p!(print(r), write(" "));
p!(print(ty::TypeAndMut { ty, mutbl }))
ty::Never => p!(write("!")),
ty::Tuple(ref tys) => {
let mut tys = tys.iter();
if let Some(&ty) = {
p!(print(ty), write(","));
if let Some(&ty) = {
p!(write(" "), print(ty));
for &ty in tys {
p!(write(", "), print(ty));
ty::FnDef(def_id, substs) => {
let sig = self.tcx().fn_sig(def_id).subst(self.tcx(), substs);
p!(print(sig), write(" {{"), print_value_path(def_id, substs), write("}}"));
ty::FnPtr(ref bare_fn) => {
ty::Infer(infer_ty) => {
if let ty::TyVar(ty_vid) = infer_ty {
if let Some(name) = self.infer_ty_name(ty_vid) {
p!(write("{}", name))
} else {
p!(write("{}", infer_ty))
} else {
p!(write("{}", infer_ty))
ty::Error => p!(write("[type error]")),
ty::Param(ref param_ty) => p!(write("{}", param_ty)),
ty::Bound(debruijn, bound_ty) => {
match bound_ty.kind {
ty::BoundTyKind::Anon => {
if debruijn == ty::INNERMOST {
p!(write("^{}", bound_ty.var.index()))
} else {
p!(write("^{}_{}", debruijn.index(), bound_ty.var.index()))
ty::BoundTyKind::Param(p) => p!(write("{}", p)),
ty::Adt(def, substs) => {
p!(print_def_path(def.did, substs));
ty::Dynamic(data, r) => {
let print_r = self.region_should_not_be_omitted(r);
if print_r {
p!(write("dyn "), print(data));
if print_r {
p!(write(" + "), print(r), write(")"));
ty::Foreign(def_id) => {
p!(print_def_path(def_id, &[]));
ty::Projection(ref data) => p!(print(data)),
ty::UnnormalizedProjection(ref data) => {
p!(write("Unnormalized("), print(data), write(")"))
ty::Placeholder(placeholder) => {
p!(write("Placeholder({:?})", placeholder))
ty::Opaque(def_id, substs) => {
// FIXME(eddyb) print this with `print_def_path`.
if self.tcx().sess.verbose() {
p!(write("Opaque({:?}, {:?})", def_id, substs));
return Ok(self);
let def_key = self.tcx().def_key(def_id);
if let Some(name) = {
p!(write("{}", name));
let mut substs = substs.iter();
// FIXME(eddyb) print this with `print_def_path`.
if let Some(first) = {
for subst in substs {
p!(write(", "), print(subst));
return Ok(self);
// Grab the "TraitA + TraitB" from `impl TraitA + TraitB`,
// by looking up the projections associated with the def_id.
let bounds = self.tcx().predicates_of(def_id).instantiate(self.tcx(), substs);
let mut first = true;
let mut is_sized = false;
for predicate in bounds.predicates {
if let Some(trait_ref) = predicate.to_opt_poly_trait_ref() {
// Don't print +Sized, but rather +?Sized if absent.
if Some(trait_ref.def_id()) == self.tcx().lang_items().sized_trait() {
is_sized = true;
write("{}", if first { " " } else { "+" }),
first = false;
if !is_sized {
p!(write("{}?Sized", if first { " " } else { "+" }));
} else if first {
p!(write(" Sized"));
ty::Str => p!(write("str")),
ty::Generator(did, substs, movability) => {
let upvar_tys = substs.upvar_tys(did, self.tcx());
let witness = substs.witness(did, self.tcx());
if movability == hir::GeneratorMovability::Movable {
} else {
p!(write("[static generator"));
// FIXME(eddyb) should use `def_span`.
if let Some(hir_id) = self.tcx().hir().as_local_hir_id(did) {
p!(write("@{:?}", self.tcx().hir().span(hir_id)));
let mut sep = " ";
for (&var_id, upvar_ty) in self.tcx().upvars(did)
.flat_map(|v| v.keys())
sep = ", ";
} else {
// cross-crate closure types should only be
// visible in codegen bug reports, I imagine.
p!(write("@{:?}", did));
let mut sep = " ";
for (index, upvar_ty) in upvar_tys.enumerate() {
write("{}{}:", sep, index),
sep = ", ";
p!(write(" "), print(witness), write("]"))
ty::GeneratorWitness(types) => {
ty::Closure(did, substs) => {
let upvar_tys = substs.upvar_tys(did, self.tcx());
// FIXME(eddyb) should use `def_span`.
if let Some(hir_id) = self.tcx().hir().as_local_hir_id(did) {
if self.tcx().sess.opts.debugging_opts.span_free_formats {
p!(write("@{:?}", hir_id));
} else {
p!(write("@{:?}", self.tcx().hir().span(hir_id)));
let mut sep = " ";
for (&var_id, upvar_ty) in self.tcx().upvars(did)
.flat_map(|v| v.keys())
sep = ", ";
} else {
// cross-crate closure types should only be
// visible in codegen bug reports, I imagine.
p!(write("@{:?}", did));
let mut sep = " ";
for (index, upvar_ty) in upvar_tys.enumerate() {
write("{}{}:", sep, index),
sep = ", ";
if self.tcx().sess.verbose() {
" closure_kind_ty={:?} closure_sig_ty={:?}",
substs.closure_kind_ty(did, self.tcx()),
substs.closure_sig_ty(did, self.tcx())
ty::Array(ty, sz) => {
p!(write("["), print(ty), write("; "));
if let ConstValue::Unevaluated(..) = sz.val {
// do not try to evalute unevaluated constants. If we are const evaluating an
// array length anon const, rustc will (with debug assertions) print the
// constant's path. Which will end up here again.
} else if let Some(n) = sz.try_eval_usize(self.tcx(), ty::ParamEnv::empty()) {
p!(write("{}", n));
} else {
ty::Slice(ty) => {
p!(write("["), print(ty), write("]"))
fn infer_ty_name(&self, _: ty::TyVid) -> Option<String> {
fn pretty_print_dyn_existential(
mut self,
predicates: &'tcx ty::List<ty::ExistentialPredicate<'tcx>>,
) -> Result<Self::DynExistential, Self::Error> {
// Generate the main trait ref, including associated types.
let mut first = true;
if let Some(principal) = predicates.principal() {
p!(print_def_path(principal.def_id, &[]));
let mut resugared = false;
// Special-case `Fn(...) -> ...` and resugar it.
let fn_trait_kind = self.tcx().lang_items().fn_trait_kind(principal.def_id);
if !self.tcx().sess.verbose() && fn_trait_kind.is_some() {
if let ty::Tuple(ref args) = principal.substs.type_at(0).sty {
let mut projections = predicates.projection_bounds();
if let (Some(proj), None) = (, {
let tys: Vec<_> = args.iter().map(|k| k.expect_ty()).collect();
p!(pretty_fn_sig(&tys, false, proj.ty));
resugared = true;
// HACK(eddyb) this duplicates `FmtPrinter`'s `path_generic_args`,
// in order to place the projections inside the `<...>`.
if !resugared {
// Use a type that can't appear in defaults of type parameters.
let dummy_self = self.tcx().mk_ty_infer(ty::FreshTy(0));
let principal = principal.with_self_ty(self.tcx(), dummy_self);
let args = self.generic_args_to_print(
// Don't print `'_` if there's no unerased regions.
let print_regions = args.iter().any(|arg| {
match arg.unpack() {
UnpackedKind::Lifetime(r) => *r != ty::ReErased,
_ => false,
let mut args = args.iter().cloned().filter(|arg| {
match arg.unpack() {
UnpackedKind::Lifetime(_) => print_regions,
_ => true,
let mut projections = predicates.projection_bounds();
let arg0 =;
let projection0 =;
if arg0.is_some() || projection0.is_some() {
let args = arg0.into_iter().chain(args);
let projections = projection0.into_iter().chain(projections);
p!(generic_delimiters(|mut cx| {
cx = cx.comma_sep(args)?;
if arg0.is_some() && projection0.is_some() {
write!(cx, ", ")?;
first = false;
// Builtin bounds.
// FIXME(eddyb) avoid printing twice (needed to ensure
// that the auto traits are sorted *and* printed via cx).
let mut auto_traits: Vec<_> = predicates.auto_traits().map(|did| {
(self.tcx().def_path_str(did), did)
// The auto traits come ordered by `DefPathHash`. While
// `DefPathHash` is *stable* in the sense that it depends on
// neither the host nor the phase of the moon, it depends
// "pseudorandomly" on the compiler version and the target.
// To avoid that causing instabilities in compiletest
// output, sort the auto-traits alphabetically.
for (_, def_id) in auto_traits {
if !first {
p!(write(" + "));
first = false;
p!(print_def_path(def_id, &[]));
fn pretty_fn_sig(
mut self,
inputs: &[Ty<'tcx>],
c_variadic: bool,
output: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let mut inputs = inputs.iter();
if let Some(&ty) = {
for &ty in inputs {
p!(write(", "), print(ty));
if c_variadic {
p!(write(", ..."));
if !output.is_unit() {
p!(write(" -> "), print(output));
fn pretty_print_const(
mut self,
ct: &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>,
) -> Result<Self::Const, Self::Error> {
let u8 = self.tcx().types.u8;
if let ty::FnDef(did, substs) = ct.ty.sty {
p!(print_value_path(did, substs));
return Ok(self);
if let ConstValue::Unevaluated(did, substs) = ct.val {
match self.tcx().def_kind(did) {
| Some(DefKind::Static)
| Some(DefKind::Const)
| Some(DefKind::AssocConst) => p!(print_value_path(did, substs)),
_ => if did.is_local() {
let span = self.tcx().def_span(did);
if let Ok(snip) = self.tcx().sess.source_map().span_to_snippet(span) {
p!(write("{}", snip))
} else {
p!(write("_: "), print(ct.ty))
} else {
p!(write("_: "), print(ct.ty))
return Ok(self);
if let ConstValue::Infer(..) = ct.val {
p!(write("_: "), print(ct.ty));
return Ok(self);
if let ConstValue::Param(ParamConst { name, .. }) = ct.val {
p!(write("{}", name));
return Ok(self);
if let ConstValue::Scalar(Scalar::Raw { data, .. }) = ct.val {
match ct.ty.sty {
ty::Bool => {
p!(write("{}", if data == 0 { "false" } else { "true" }));
return Ok(self);
ty::Float(ast::FloatTy::F32) => {
p!(write("{}f32", Single::from_bits(data)));
return Ok(self);
ty::Float(ast::FloatTy::F64) => {
p!(write("{}f64", Double::from_bits(data)));
return Ok(self);
ty::Uint(ui) => {
let bit_size = Integer::from_attr(&self.tcx(), UnsignedInt(ui)).size();
let max = truncate(u128::max_value(), bit_size);
if data == max {
p!(write("std::{}::MAX", ui))
} else {
p!(write("{}{}", data, ui))
return Ok(self);
ty::Int(i) =>{
let bit_size = Integer::from_attr(&self.tcx(), SignedInt(i))
.size().bits() as u128;
let min = 1u128 << (bit_size - 1);
let max = min - 1;
let ty = self.tcx().lift_to_global(&ct.ty).unwrap();
let size = self.tcx().layout_of(ty::ParamEnv::empty().and(ty))
match data {
d if d == min => p!(write("std::{}::MIN", i)),
d if d == max => p!(write("std::{}::MAX", i)),
_ => p!(write("{}{}", sign_extend(data, size) as i128, i))
return Ok(self);
ty::Char => {
p!(write("{:?}", ::std::char::from_u32(data as u32).unwrap()));
return Ok(self);
_ => {},
if let ty::Ref(_, ref_ty, _) = ct.ty.sty {
let byte_str = match (ct.val, &ref_ty.sty) {
(ConstValue::Scalar(Scalar::Ptr(ptr)), ty::Array(t, n)) if *t == u8 => {
let n = n.eval_usize(self.tcx(), ty::ParamEnv::empty());
.get_bytes(&self.tcx(), ptr, Size::from_bytes(n)).unwrap())
(ConstValue::Slice { data, start, end }, ty::Slice(t)) if *t == u8 => {
// The `inspect` here is okay since we checked the bounds, and there are no
// relocations (we have an active slice reference here). We don't use this
// result to affect interpreter execution.
(ConstValue::Slice { data, start, end }, ty::Str) => {
// The `inspect` here is okay since we checked the bounds, and there are no
// relocations (we have an active `str` reference here). We don't use this
// result to affect interpreter execution.
let slice = data.inspect_with_undef_and_ptr_outside_interpreter(start..end);
let s = ::std::str::from_utf8(slice)
.expect("non utf8 str from miri");
p!(write("{:?}", s));
return Ok(self);
_ => None,
if let Some(byte_str) = byte_str {
for &c in byte_str {
for e in std::ascii::escape_default(c) {
self.write_char(e as char)?;
return Ok(self);
p!(write("{:?} : ", ct.val), print(ct.ty));
// HACK(eddyb) boxed to avoid moving around a large struct by-value.
pub struct FmtPrinter<'a, 'tcx, F>(Box<FmtPrinterData<'a, 'tcx, F>>);
pub struct FmtPrinterData<'a, 'tcx, F> {
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
fmt: F,
empty_path: bool,
in_value: bool,
used_region_names: FxHashSet<InternedString>,
region_index: usize,
binder_depth: usize,
pub region_highlight_mode: RegionHighlightMode,
pub name_resolver: Option<Box<&'a dyn Fn(ty::sty::TyVid) -> Option<String>>>,
impl<F> Deref for FmtPrinter<'a, 'tcx, F> {
type Target = FmtPrinterData<'a, 'tcx, F>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<F> DerefMut for FmtPrinter<'_, '_, F> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
impl<F> FmtPrinter<'a, 'tcx, F> {
pub fn new(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, fmt: F, ns: Namespace) -> Self {
FmtPrinter(Box::new(FmtPrinterData {
empty_path: false,
in_value: ns == Namespace::ValueNS,
used_region_names: Default::default(),
region_index: 0,
binder_depth: 0,
region_highlight_mode: RegionHighlightMode::default(),
name_resolver: None,
impl TyCtxt<'_> {
// HACK(eddyb) get rid of `def_path_str` and/or pass `Namespace` explicitly always
// (but also some things just print a `DefId` generally so maybe we need this?)
fn guess_def_namespace(self, def_id: DefId) -> Namespace {
match self.def_key(def_id) {
| DefPathData::CrateRoot
| DefPathData::ImplTrait => Namespace::TypeNS,
| DefPathData::AnonConst
| DefPathData::ClosureExpr
| DefPathData::Ctor => Namespace::ValueNS,
DefPathData::MacroNs(..) => Namespace::MacroNS,
_ => Namespace::TypeNS,
/// Returns a string identifying this `DefId`. This string is
/// suitable for user output.
pub fn def_path_str(self, def_id: DefId) -> String {
let ns = self.guess_def_namespace(def_id);
debug!("def_path_str: def_id={:?}, ns={:?}", def_id, ns);
let mut s = String::new();
let _ = FmtPrinter::new(self, &mut s, ns)
.print_def_path(def_id, &[]);
impl<F: fmt::Write> fmt::Write for FmtPrinter<'_, '_, F> {
fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
impl<F: fmt::Write> Printer<'tcx> for FmtPrinter<'_, 'tcx, F> {
type Error = fmt::Error;
type Path = Self;
type Region = Self;
type Type = Self;
type DynExistential = Self;
type Const = Self;
fn tcx(&'a self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
fn print_def_path(
mut self,
def_id: DefId,
substs: &'tcx [Kind<'tcx>],
) -> Result<Self::Path, Self::Error> {
if substs.is_empty() {
match self.try_print_visible_def_path(def_id)? {
(cx, true) => return Ok(cx),
(cx, false) => self = cx,
let key = self.tcx.def_key(def_id);
if let DefPathData::Impl = {
// Always use types for non-local impls, where types are always
// available, and filename/line-number is mostly uninteresting.
let use_types =
!def_id.is_local() || {
// Otherwise, use filename/line-number if forced.
let force_no_types = FORCE_IMPL_FILENAME_LINE.with(|f| f.get());
if !use_types {
// If no type info is available, fall back to
// pretty printing some span information. This should
// only occur very early in the compiler pipeline.
let parent_def_id = DefId { index: key.parent.unwrap(), ..def_id };
let span = self.tcx.def_span(def_id);
self = self.print_def_path(parent_def_id, &[])?;
// HACK(eddyb) copy of `path_append` to avoid
// constructing a `DisambiguatedDefPathData`.
if !self.empty_path {
write!(self, "::")?;
write!(self, "<impl at {:?}>", span)?;
self.empty_path = false;
return Ok(self);
self.default_print_def_path(def_id, substs)
fn print_region(
region: ty::Region<'_>,
) -> Result<Self::Region, Self::Error> {
fn print_type(
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> Result<Self::Type, Self::Error> {
fn print_dyn_existential(
predicates: &'tcx ty::List<ty::ExistentialPredicate<'tcx>>,
) -> Result<Self::DynExistential, Self::Error> {
fn print_const(
ct: &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>,
) -> Result<Self::Const, Self::Error> {
fn path_crate(
mut self,
cnum: CrateNum,
) -> Result<Self::Path, Self::Error> {
self.empty_path = true;
if cnum == LOCAL_CRATE {
if self.tcx.sess.rust_2018() {
// We add the `crate::` keyword on Rust 2018, only when desired.
if SHOULD_PREFIX_WITH_CRATE.with(|flag| flag.get()) {
write!(self, "{}", kw::Crate)?;
self.empty_path = false;
} else {
write!(self, "{}", self.tcx.crate_name(cnum))?;
self.empty_path = false;
fn path_qualified(
mut self,
self_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
trait_ref: Option<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>,
) -> Result<Self::Path, Self::Error> {
self = self.pretty_path_qualified(self_ty, trait_ref)?;
self.empty_path = false;
fn path_append_impl(
mut self,
print_prefix: impl FnOnce(Self) -> Result<Self::Path, Self::Error>,
_disambiguated_data: &DisambiguatedDefPathData,
self_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
trait_ref: Option<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>>,
) -> Result<Self::Path, Self::Error> {
self = self.pretty_path_append_impl(|mut cx| {
cx = print_prefix(cx)?;
if !cx.empty_path {
write!(cx, "::")?;
}, self_ty, trait_ref)?;
self.empty_path = false;
fn path_append(
mut self,
print_prefix: impl FnOnce(Self) -> Result<Self::Path, Self::Error>,
disambiguated_data: &DisambiguatedDefPathData,
) -> Result<Self::Path, Self::Error> {
self = print_prefix(self)?;
// Skip `::{{constructor}}` on tuple/unit structs.
match {
DefPathData::Ctor => return Ok(self),
_ => {}
// FIXME(eddyb) `name` should never be empty, but it
// currently is for `extern { ... }` "foreign modules".
let name =;
if !name.is_empty() {
if !self.empty_path {
write!(self, "::")?;
write!(self, "{}", name)?;
// FIXME(eddyb) this will print e.g. `{{closure}}#3`, but it
// might be nicer to use something else, e.g. `{closure#3}`.
let dis = disambiguated_data.disambiguator;
let print_dis = ||
dis != 0 && self.tcx.sess.verbose();
if print_dis {
write!(self, "#{}", dis)?;
self.empty_path = false;
fn path_generic_args(
mut self,
print_prefix: impl FnOnce(Self) -> Result<Self::Path, Self::Error>,
args: &[Kind<'tcx>],
) -> Result<Self::Path, Self::Error> {
self = print_prefix(self)?;
// Don't print `'_` if there's no unerased regions.
let print_regions = args.iter().any(|arg| {
match arg.unpack() {
UnpackedKind::Lifetime(r) => *r != ty::ReErased,
_ => false,
let args = args.iter().cloned().filter(|arg| {
match arg.unpack() {
UnpackedKind::Lifetime(_) => print_regions,
_ => true,
if args.clone().next().is_some() {
if self.in_value {
write!(self, "::")?;
self.generic_delimiters(|cx| cx.comma_sep(args))
} else {
impl<F: fmt::Write> PrettyPrinter<'tcx> for FmtPrinter<'_, 'tcx, F> {
fn infer_ty_name(&self, id: ty::TyVid) -> Option<String> {
self.0.name_resolver.as_ref().and_then(|func| func(id))
fn print_value_path(
mut self,
def_id: DefId,
substs: &'tcx [Kind<'tcx>],
) -> Result<Self::Path, Self::Error> {
let was_in_value = std::mem::replace(&mut self.in_value, true);
self = self.print_def_path(def_id, substs)?;
self.in_value = was_in_value;
fn in_binder<T>(self, value: &ty::Binder<T>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>
T: Print<'tcx, Self, Output = Self, Error = Self::Error> + TypeFoldable<'tcx>,
fn generic_delimiters(
mut self,
f: impl FnOnce(Self) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>,
) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
write!(self, "<")?;
let was_in_value = std::mem::replace(&mut self.in_value, false);
let mut inner = f(self)?;
inner.in_value = was_in_value;
write!(inner, ">")?;
fn region_should_not_be_omitted(
region: ty::Region<'_>,
) -> bool {
let highlight = self.region_highlight_mode;
if highlight.region_highlighted(region).is_some() {
return true;
if self.tcx.sess.verbose() {
return true;
let identify_regions = self.tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.identify_regions;
match *region {
ty::ReEarlyBound(ref data) => { != kw::Invalid && != kw::UnderscoreLifetime
ty::ReLateBound(_, br) |
ty::ReFree(ty::FreeRegion { bound_region: br, .. }) |
ty::RePlaceholder(ty::Placeholder { name: br, .. }) => {
if let ty::BrNamed(_, name) = br {
if name.as_symbol() != kw::Invalid &&
name.as_symbol() != kw::UnderscoreLifetime {
return true;
if let Some((region, _)) = highlight.highlight_bound_region {
if br == region {
return true;
ty::ReScope(_) |
ty::ReVar(_) if identify_regions => true,
ty::ReVar(_) |
ty::ReScope(_) |
ty::ReErased => false,
ty::ReStatic |
ty::ReEmpty |
ty::ReClosureBound(_) => true,
// HACK(eddyb) limited to `FmtPrinter` because of `region_highlight_mode`.
impl<F: fmt::Write> FmtPrinter<'_, '_, F> {
pub fn pretty_print_region(
mut self,
region: ty::Region<'_>,
) -> Result<Self, fmt::Error> {
// Watch out for region highlights.
let highlight = self.region_highlight_mode;
if let Some(n) = highlight.region_highlighted(region) {
p!(write("'{}", n));
return Ok(self);
if self.tcx.sess.verbose() {
p!(write("{:?}", region));
return Ok(self);
let identify_regions = self.tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.identify_regions;
// These printouts are concise. They do not contain all the information
// the user might want to diagnose an error, but there is basically no way
// to fit that into a short string. Hence the recommendation to use
// `explain_region()` or `note_and_explain_region()`.
match *region {
ty::ReEarlyBound(ref data) => {
if != kw::Invalid {
return Ok(self);
ty::ReLateBound(_, br) |
ty::ReFree(ty::FreeRegion { bound_region: br, .. }) |
ty::RePlaceholder(ty::Placeholder { name: br, .. }) => {
if let ty::BrNamed(_, name) = br {
if name.as_symbol() != kw::Invalid &&
name.as_symbol() != kw::UnderscoreLifetime {
p!(write("{}", name));
return Ok(self);
if let Some((region, counter)) = highlight.highlight_bound_region {
if br == region {
p!(write("'{}", counter));
return Ok(self);
ty::ReScope(scope) if identify_regions => {
match {
region::ScopeData::Node =>
p!(write("'{}s", scope.item_local_id().as_usize())),
region::ScopeData::CallSite =>
p!(write("'{}cs", scope.item_local_id().as_usize())),
region::ScopeData::Arguments =>
p!(write("'{}as", scope.item_local_id().as_usize())),
region::ScopeData::Destruction =>
p!(write("'{}ds", scope.item_local_id().as_usize())),
region::ScopeData::Remainder(first_statement_index) => p!(write(
return Ok(self);
ty::ReVar(region_vid) if identify_regions => {
p!(write("{:?}", region_vid));
return Ok(self);
ty::ReVar(_) => {}
ty::ReScope(_) |
ty::ReErased => {}
ty::ReStatic => {
return Ok(self);
ty::ReEmpty => {
return Ok(self);
// The user should never encounter these in unsubstituted form.
ty::ReClosureBound(vid) => {
p!(write("{:?}", vid));
return Ok(self);
// HACK(eddyb) limited to `FmtPrinter` because of `binder_depth`,
// `region_index` and `used_region_names`.
impl<F: fmt::Write> FmtPrinter<'_, 'tcx, F> {
pub fn pretty_in_binder<T>(mut self, value: &ty::Binder<T>) -> Result<Self, fmt::Error>
T: Print<'tcx, Self, Output = Self, Error = fmt::Error> + TypeFoldable<'tcx>,
fn name_by_region_index(index: usize) -> InternedString {
match index {
0 => InternedString::intern("'r"),
1 => InternedString::intern("'s"),
i => InternedString::intern(&format!("'t{}", i-2)),
// Replace any anonymous late-bound regions with named
// variants, using gensym'd identifiers, so that we can
// clearly differentiate between named and unnamed regions in
// the output. We'll probably want to tweak this over time to
// decide just how much information to give.
if self.binder_depth == 0 {
let mut empty = true;
let mut start_or_continue = |cx: &mut Self, start: &str, cont: &str| {
write!(cx, "{}", if empty {
empty = false;
} else {
let old_region_index = self.region_index;
let mut region_index = old_region_index;
let new_value = self.tcx.replace_late_bound_regions(value, |br| {
let _ = start_or_continue(&mut self, "for<", ", ");
let br = match br {
ty::BrNamed(_, name) => {
let _ = write!(self, "{}", name);
ty::BrAnon(_) |
ty::BrEnv => {
let name = loop {
let name = name_by_region_index(region_index);
region_index += 1;
if !self.used_region_names.contains(&name) {
break name;
let _ = write!(self, "{}", name);
ty::BrNamed(DefId::local(CRATE_DEF_INDEX), name)
self.tcx.mk_region(ty::ReLateBound(ty::INNERMOST, br))
start_or_continue(&mut self, "", "> ")?;
self.binder_depth += 1;
self.region_index = region_index;
let mut inner = new_value.print(self)?;
inner.region_index = old_region_index;
inner.binder_depth -= 1;
fn prepare_late_bound_region_info<T>(&mut self, value: &ty::Binder<T>)
where T: TypeFoldable<'tcx>
struct LateBoundRegionNameCollector<'a>(&'a mut FxHashSet<InternedString>);
impl<'tcx> ty::fold::TypeVisitor<'tcx> for LateBoundRegionNameCollector<'_> {
fn visit_region(&mut self, r: ty::Region<'tcx>) -> bool {
match *r {
ty::ReLateBound(_, ty::BrNamed(_, name)) => {
_ => {},
let mut collector = LateBoundRegionNameCollector(&mut self.used_region_names);
value.visit_with(&mut collector);
self.region_index = 0;
impl<'tcx, T, P: PrettyPrinter<'tcx>> Print<'tcx, P> for ty::Binder<T>
T: Print<'tcx, P, Output = P, Error = P::Error> + TypeFoldable<'tcx>,
type Output = P;
type Error = P::Error;
fn print(&self, cx: P) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Error> {
impl<'tcx, T, U, P: PrettyPrinter<'tcx>> Print<'tcx, P> for ty::OutlivesPredicate<T, U>
T: Print<'tcx, P, Output = P, Error = P::Error>,
U: Print<'tcx, P, Output = P, Error = P::Error>,
type Output = P;
type Error = P::Error;
fn print(&self, mut cx: P) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Error> {
p!(print(self.0), write(" : "), print(self.1));
macro_rules! forward_display_to_print {
($($ty:ty),+) => {
$(impl fmt::Display for $ty {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
.expect("could not lift for printing")
.print(FmtPrinter::new(tcx, f, Namespace::TypeNS))?;
macro_rules! define_print_and_forward_display {
(($self:ident, $cx:ident): $($ty:ty $print:block)+) => {
$(impl<'tcx, P: PrettyPrinter<'tcx>> Print<'tcx, P> for $ty {
type Output = P;
type Error = fmt::Error;
fn print(&$self, $cx: P) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Error> {
let mut $cx = $cx;
let _: () = $print;
// HACK(eddyb) this is separate because `ty::RegionKind` doesn't need lifting.
impl fmt::Display for ty::RegionKind {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
ty::tls::with(|tcx| {
self.print(FmtPrinter::new(tcx, f, Namespace::TypeNS))?;
forward_display_to_print! {
&'tcx ty::List<ty::ExistentialPredicate<'tcx>>,
&'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>,
// HACK(eddyb) these are exhaustive instead of generic,
// because `for<'tcx>` isn't possible yet.
ty::Binder<&'tcx ty::List<ty::ExistentialPredicate<'tcx>>>,
ty::Binder<ty::OutlivesPredicate<Ty<'tcx>, ty::Region<'tcx>>>,
ty::Binder<ty::OutlivesPredicate<ty::Region<'tcx>, ty::Region<'tcx>>>,
ty::OutlivesPredicate<Ty<'tcx>, ty::Region<'tcx>>,
ty::OutlivesPredicate<ty::Region<'tcx>, ty::Region<'tcx>>
define_print_and_forward_display! {
(self, cx):
&'tcx ty::List<Ty<'tcx>> {
let mut tys = self.iter();
if let Some(&ty) = {
for &ty in tys {
p!(write(", "), print(ty));
ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx> {
p!(write("{}", if self.mutbl == hir::MutMutable { "mut " } else { "" }),
ty::ExistentialTraitRef<'tcx> {
// Use a type that can't appear in defaults of type parameters.
let dummy_self = cx.tcx().mk_ty_infer(ty::FreshTy(0));
let trait_ref = self.with_self_ty(cx.tcx(), dummy_self);
ty::ExistentialProjection<'tcx> {
let name = cx.tcx().associated_item(self.item_def_id).ident;
p!(write("{} = ", name), print(self.ty))
ty::ExistentialPredicate<'tcx> {
match *self {
ty::ExistentialPredicate::Trait(x) => p!(print(x)),
ty::ExistentialPredicate::Projection(x) => p!(print(x)),
ty::ExistentialPredicate::AutoTrait(def_id) => {
p!(print_def_path(def_id, &[]));
ty::FnSig<'tcx> {
if self.unsafety == hir::Unsafety::Unsafe {
p!(write("unsafe "));
if self.abi != Abi::Rust {
p!(write("extern {} ", self.abi));
p!(write("fn"), pretty_fn_sig(self.inputs(), self.c_variadic, self.output()));
ty::InferTy {
if cx.tcx().sess.verbose() {
p!(write("{:?}", self));
return Ok(cx);
match *self {
ty::TyVar(_) => p!(write("_")),
ty::IntVar(_) => p!(write("{}", "{integer}")),
ty::FloatVar(_) => p!(write("{}", "{float}")),
ty::FreshTy(v) => p!(write("FreshTy({})", v)),
ty::FreshIntTy(v) => p!(write("FreshIntTy({})", v)),
ty::FreshFloatTy(v) => p!(write("FreshFloatTy({})", v))
ty::TraitRef<'tcx> {
p!(print_def_path(self.def_id, self.substs));
ty::ParamTy {
ty::ParamConst {
ty::SubtypePredicate<'tcx> {
p!(print(self.a), write(" <: "), print(self.b))
ty::TraitPredicate<'tcx> {
p!(print(self.trait_ref.self_ty()), write(": "), print(self.trait_ref))
ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx> {
p!(print(self.projection_ty), write(" == "), print(self.ty))
ty::ProjectionTy<'tcx> {
p!(print_def_path(self.item_def_id, self.substs));
ty::ClosureKind {
match *self {
ty::ClosureKind::Fn => p!(write("Fn")),
ty::ClosureKind::FnMut => p!(write("FnMut")),
ty::ClosureKind::FnOnce => p!(write("FnOnce")),
ty::Predicate<'tcx> {
match *self {
ty::Predicate::Trait(ref data) => p!(print(data)),
ty::Predicate::Subtype(ref predicate) => p!(print(predicate)),
ty::Predicate::RegionOutlives(ref predicate) => p!(print(predicate)),
ty::Predicate::TypeOutlives(ref predicate) => p!(print(predicate)),
ty::Predicate::Projection(ref predicate) => p!(print(predicate)),
ty::Predicate::WellFormed(ty) => p!(print(ty), write(" well-formed")),
ty::Predicate::ObjectSafe(trait_def_id) => {
p!(write("the trait `"),
print_def_path(trait_def_id, &[]),
write("` is object-safe"))
ty::Predicate::ClosureKind(closure_def_id, _closure_substs, kind) => {
p!(write("the closure `"),
print_value_path(closure_def_id, &[]),
write("` implements the trait `{}`", kind))
ty::Predicate::ConstEvaluatable(def_id, substs) => {
p!(write("the constant `"),
print_value_path(def_id, substs),
write("` can be evaluated"))
Kind<'tcx> {
match self.unpack() {
UnpackedKind::Lifetime(lt) => p!(print(lt)),
UnpackedKind::Type(ty) => p!(print(ty)),
UnpackedKind::Const(ct) => p!(print(ct)),