blob: c1a15e50a4d0687dd8553b5198a4828b723e45cb [file] [log] [blame]
// revisions: ll nll
//[nll] compile-flags:-Zborrowck=mir
fn static_id<'a,'b>(t: &'a ()) -> &'static ()
where 'a: 'static { t }
fn static_id_indirect<'a,'b>(t: &'a ()) -> &'static ()
where 'a: 'b, 'b: 'static { t }
fn static_id_wrong_way<'a>(t: &'a ()) -> &'static () where 'static: 'a {
t //[ll]~ ERROR E0312
//[nll]~^ ERROR lifetime may not live long enough
fn error(u: &(), v: &()) {
static_id(&u); //[ll]~ ERROR explicit lifetime required in the type of `u` [E0621]
//[nll]~^ ERROR explicit lifetime required in the type of `u` [E0621]
static_id_indirect(&v); //[ll]~ ERROR explicit lifetime required in the type of `v` [E0621]
//[nll]~^ ERROR explicit lifetime required in the type of `v` [E0621]
fn main() {}