blob: 85c2c9fa250649077fbf11b85417e25a8ec02628 [file] [log] [blame]
// This test case tests the incremental compilation hash (ICH) implementation
// for `while` loops.
// The general pattern followed here is: Change one thing between rev1 and rev2
// and make sure that the hash has changed, then change nothing between rev2 and
// rev3 and make sure that the hash has not changed.
// compile-pass
// revisions: cfail1 cfail2 cfail3
// compile-flags: -Z query-dep-graph -Zincremental-ignore-spans
// Change loop body ------------------------------------------------------------
pub fn change_loop_body() {
let mut _x = 0;
while true {
_x = 1;
#[rustc_clean(cfg="cfail2", except="HirBody, MirValidated, MirOptimized")]
pub fn change_loop_body() {
let mut _x = 0;
while true {
_x = 2;
// Change loop body ------------------------------------------------------------
pub fn change_loop_condition() {
let mut _x = 0;
while true {
_x = 1;
#[rustc_clean(cfg="cfail2", except="HirBody, MirValidated, MirOptimized")]
pub fn change_loop_condition() {
let mut _x = 0;
while false {
_x = 1;
// Add break -------------------------------------------------------------------
pub fn add_break() {
let mut _x = 0;
while true {
_x = 1;
#[rustc_clean(cfg="cfail2", except="HirBody, MirValidated, MirOptimized, TypeckTables")]
pub fn add_break() {
let mut _x = 0;
while true {
_x = 1;
// Add loop label --------------------------------------------------------------
pub fn add_loop_label() {
let mut _x = 0;
while true {
_x = 1;
#[rustc_clean(cfg="cfail2", except="HirBody")]
pub fn add_loop_label() {
let mut _x = 0;
'label: while true {
_x = 1;
// Add loop label to break -----------------------------------------------------
pub fn add_loop_label_to_break() {
let mut _x = 0;
'label: while true {
_x = 1;
#[rustc_clean(cfg="cfail2", except="HirBody")]
pub fn add_loop_label_to_break() {
let mut _x = 0;
'label: while true {
_x = 1;
break 'label;
// Change break label ----------------------------------------------------------
pub fn change_break_label() {
let mut _x = 0;
'outer: while true {
'inner: while true {
_x = 1;
break 'inner;
#[rustc_clean(cfg="cfail2", except="HirBody, MirValidated, MirOptimized")]
pub fn change_break_label() {
let mut _x = 0;
'outer: while true {
'inner: while true {
_x = 1;
break 'outer;
// Add loop label to continue --------------------------------------------------
pub fn add_loop_label_to_continue() {
let mut _x = 0;
'label: while true {
_x = 1;
#[rustc_clean(cfg="cfail2", except="HirBody")]
pub fn add_loop_label_to_continue() {
let mut _x = 0;
'label: while true {
_x = 1;
continue 'label;
// Change continue label ----------------------------------------------------------
pub fn change_continue_label() {
let mut _x = 0;
'outer: while true {
'inner: while true {
_x = 1;
continue 'inner;
#[rustc_clean(cfg="cfail2", except="HirBody, MirValidated")]
pub fn change_continue_label() {
let mut _x = 0;
'outer: while true {
'inner: while true {
_x = 1;
continue 'outer;
// Change continue to break ----------------------------------------------------
pub fn change_continue_to_break() {
let mut _x = 0;
while true {
_x = 1;
#[rustc_clean(cfg="cfail2", except="HirBody, MirValidated, MirOptimized")]
pub fn change_continue_to_break() {
let mut _x = 0;
while true {
_x = 1;