Auto merge of #62065 - pietroalbini:beta-rollup, r=Mark-Simulacrum

[beta] Rollup backports

Rolled up:

* [beta] Comment out dev key #61700

Cherry picked:

* Dont ICE on an attempt to use GAT without feature gate #61118
* Fix cfg(test) build for x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx #61503
* Handle index out of bound errors during const eval without panic #61598
* Hygienize macros in the standard library #61629
* Fix ICE involving mut references #61947
* rustc_typeck: correctly compute `Substs` for `Res::SelfCtor`. #61896
* Revert "Set test flag when rustdoc is running with --test option" #61199
* create a "provisional cache" to restore performance in the case of cycles #61754

r? @ghost