blob: 5af0b585a12755c2b1c46daf6f0bc5b0ad5fed2d [file] [log] [blame]
fn main() {
// if access_level != "us‫e‪r" { // Check if admin
//~^ ERROR unicode codepoint changing visible direction of text present in comment
println!("{:?}", r#"us\u{202B}e\u{202A}r"#);
println!("{:?}", b"us\u{202B}e\u{202A}r");
//~^ ERROR unicode escape in byte string
//~| ERROR unicode escape in byte string
println!("{:?}", br##"us\u{202B}e\u{202A}r"##);
println!("{:?}", "/*‮ } ⁦if isAdmin⁩ ⁦ begin admins only ");
//~^ ERROR unicode codepoint changing visible direction of text present in literal
println!("{:?}", r##"/*‮ } ⁦if isAdmin⁩ ⁦ begin admins only "##);
//~^ ERROR unicode codepoint changing visible direction of text present in literal
println!("{:?}", b"/*‮ } ⁦if isAdmin⁩ ⁦ begin admins only ");
//~^ ERROR non-ASCII character in byte constant
//~| ERROR non-ASCII character in byte constant
//~| ERROR non-ASCII character in byte constant
//~| ERROR non-ASCII character in byte constant
println!("{:?}", br##"/*‮ } ⁦if isAdmin⁩ ⁦ begin admins only "##);
//~^ ERROR raw byte string must be ASCII
//~| ERROR raw byte string must be ASCII
//~| ERROR raw byte string must be ASCII
//~| ERROR raw byte string must be ASCII
println!("{:?}", '‮');
//~^ ERROR unicode codepoint changing visible direction of text present in literal
//"/*‮ } ⁦if isAdmin⁩ ⁦ begin admins only */"
//~^ ERROR unicode codepoint changing visible direction of text present in comment
/** '‮'); */fn foo() {}
//~^ ERROR unicode codepoint changing visible direction of text present in doc comment
* '‮'); */fn bar() {}
//~^^^ ERROR unicode codepoint changing visible direction of text present in doc comment