blob: 03aef0184badd65f6da51b162b5928c6a313b07f [file] [log] [blame]
// run-pass
// Test that we elaborate `Type: 'region` constraints and infer various important things.
trait Master<'a, T: ?Sized> {
fn foo() where T: 'a;
// [U]: 'a => U: 'a
impl<'a, U> Master<'a, [U]> for () {
fn foo() where U: 'a { }
// &'b U: 'a => 'b: 'a, U: 'a
impl<'a, 'b, U> Master<'a, &'b U> for () {
fn foo() where 'b: 'a, U: 'a { }
// &'b [U]: 'a => 'b: 'a, U: 'a
impl<'a, 'b, U> Master<'a, &'b [U]> for () {
fn foo() where 'b: 'a, U: 'a { }
// Foo<'b>: 'a => 'b: 'a
struct Foo<'a> { x: &'a () }
impl<'a, 'b> Master<'a, Foo<'b>> for () {
fn foo() where 'b: 'a { }
// Bar<'b, T>: 'a => 'b: 'a, T: 'a
struct Bar<'a, T: 'a> { x: &'a T }
impl<'a, 'b, T> Master<'a, Bar<'b, T>> for () {
fn foo() where 'b: 'a, T: 'a { }
// fn(T): 'a => T: 'a
impl<'a, T> Master<'a, fn(T)> for () {
fn foo() where T: 'a { }
// fn() -> T: 'a => T: 'a
impl<'a, T> Master<'a, fn() -> T> for () {
fn foo() where T: 'a { }
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");