blob: f031dd9ca48f6c34905b5d8f0c767e537992b94e [file] [log] [blame]
// run-pass
// "guessing" in trait selection can affect `copy_or_move`. Check that this
// is correctly handled. I am not sure what is the "correct" behaviour,
// but we should at least not ICE.
use std::mem;
struct U([u8; 1337]);
struct S<'a,T:'a>(&'a T);
impl<'a, T> Clone for S<'a, T> { fn clone(&self) -> Self { S(self.0) } }
/// This impl triggers inference "guessing" - S<_>: Copy => _ = U
impl<'a> Copy for S<'a, Option<U>> {}
fn assert_impls_fn<R,T: Fn()->R>(_: &T){}
fn main() {
let n = None;
let e = S(&n);
let f = || {
// S being copy is critical for this to work
assert_eq!(f(), 1337+1);
assert_eq!((|| {
// S being Copy is not critical here, but
// we check it anyway.
let n = None;
let e = S(&n);
let ret = mem::size_of_val(e.0);
})(), 1337+1);