blob: af025b9bbbf76c0fc4e2aac1bcf37078fd50b579 [file] [log] [blame]
// run-pass
// This file checks that `PhantomData` is considered structurally matchable.
use std::marker::PhantomData;
fn main() {
let mut count = 0;
// A type which is not structurally matchable:
struct NotSM;
// And one that is:
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct SM;
// Check that SM is #[structural_match]:
const CSM: SM = SM;
match SM {
CSM => count += 1,
// Check that PhantomData<T> is #[structural_match] even if T is not.
const CPD1: PhantomData<NotSM> = PhantomData;
match PhantomData {
CPD1 => count += 1,
// Check that PhantomData<T> is #[structural_match] when T is.
const CPD2: PhantomData<SM> = PhantomData;
match PhantomData {
CPD2 => count += 1,
// Check that a type which has a PhantomData is `#[structural_match]`.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
struct Foo {
alpha: PhantomData<NotSM>,
beta: PhantomData<SM>,
const CFOO: Foo = Foo {
alpha: PhantomData,
beta: PhantomData,
match Foo::default() {
CFOO => count += 1,
// Final count must be 4 now if all
assert_eq!(count, 4);