blob: fa2cc37d05b2b917b060b7271a78ab6573f34068 [file] [log] [blame]
// In this fn, the type `F` is a function that takes a reference to a
// struct and returns another reference with the same lifetime.
// Meanwhile, the bare fn `foo` takes a reference to a struct with
// *ANY* lifetime and returns a reference with the 'static lifetime.
// This can safely be considered to be an instance of `F` because all
// lifetimes are sublifetimes of 'static.
struct S;
// Given 'cx, return 'cx
type F = for<'cx> fn(&'cx S) -> &'cx S;
fn want_F(f: F) { }
// Given anything, return 'static
type G = for<'cx> fn(&'cx S) -> &'static S;
fn want_G(f: G) { }
// Should meet both.
fn foo(x: &S) -> &'static S {
// Should meet both.
fn bar<'a,'b>(x: &'a S) -> &'b S {
// Meets F, but not G.
fn baz(x: &S) -> &S {
fn supply_F() {
want_F(bar); //~ ERROR mismatched types
pub fn main() {