blob: 6a9aa66a446c378cbd54a19b34327139b7ea122c [file] [log] [blame]
// Test for what happens when a type parameter `A` is closed over into
// an object. This should yield errors unless `A` (and the object)
// both have suitable bounds.
trait SomeTrait { fn get(&self) -> isize; }
fn make_object1<A:SomeTrait>(v: A) -> Box<dyn SomeTrait + 'static> {
box v as Box<dyn SomeTrait + 'static>
//~^ ERROR the parameter type `A` may not live long enough
//~| ERROR the parameter type `A` may not live long enough
fn make_object2<'a,A:SomeTrait+'a>(v: A) -> Box<dyn SomeTrait + 'a> {
box v as Box<dyn SomeTrait + 'a>
fn make_object3<'a,'b,A:SomeTrait+'a>(v: A) -> Box<dyn SomeTrait + 'b> {
box v as Box<dyn SomeTrait + 'b>
//~^ ERROR the parameter type `A` may not live long enough
//~| ERROR the parameter type `A` may not live long enough
fn main() { }