blob: e7f705c7feb67142afd56c93d908df98d53e420f [file] [log] [blame]
error: hello to you, too!
--> $DIR/auxiliary/
LL | / pub fn hello(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
LL | | if let Err(diag) = parse(input) {
LL | | diag.emit();
LL | | }
LL | |
LL | | TokenStream::new()
LL | | }
| |_^
::: $DIR/
LL | hello!(hi);
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: found these 'hi's
--> $DIR/
LL | hello!(hi);
| ^^
error: hello to you, too!
--> $DIR/auxiliary/
LL | / pub fn hello(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
LL | | if let Err(diag) = parse(input) {
LL | | diag.emit();
LL | | }
LL | |
LL | | TokenStream::new()
LL | | }
| |_^
::: $DIR/
LL | hello!(hi hi);
| -------------- in this macro invocation
note: found these 'hi's
--> $DIR/
LL | hello!(hi hi);
| ^^ ^^
error: hello to you, too!
--> $DIR/auxiliary/
LL | / pub fn hello(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
LL | | if let Err(diag) = parse(input) {
LL | | diag.emit();
LL | | }
LL | |
LL | | TokenStream::new()
LL | | }
| |_^
::: $DIR/
LL | hello!(hi hi hi);
| ----------------- in this macro invocation
note: found these 'hi's
--> $DIR/
LL | hello!(hi hi hi);
| ^^ ^^ ^^
error: hello to you, too!
--> $DIR/auxiliary/
LL | / pub fn hello(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
LL | | if let Err(diag) = parse(input) {
LL | | diag.emit();
LL | | }
LL | |
LL | | TokenStream::new()
LL | | }
| |_^
::: $DIR/
LL | hello!(hi hey hi yo hi beep beep hi hi);
| ---------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
note: found these 'hi's
--> $DIR/
LL | hello!(hi hey hi yo hi beep beep hi hi);
| ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
error: hello to you, too!
--> $DIR/auxiliary/
LL | / pub fn hello(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
LL | | if let Err(diag) = parse(input) {
LL | | diag.emit();
LL | | }
LL | |
LL | | TokenStream::new()
LL | | }
| |_^
::: $DIR/
LL | hello!(hi there, hi how are you? hi... hi.);
| -------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
note: found these 'hi's
--> $DIR/
LL | hello!(hi there, hi how are you? hi... hi.);
| ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
error: hello to you, too!
--> $DIR/auxiliary/
LL | / pub fn hello(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
LL | | if let Err(diag) = parse(input) {
LL | | diag.emit();
LL | | }
LL | |
LL | | TokenStream::new()
LL | | }
| |_^
::: $DIR/
LL | hello!(whoah. hi di hi di ho);
| ------------------------------ in this macro invocation
note: found these 'hi's
--> $DIR/
LL | hello!(whoah. hi di hi di ho);
| ^^ ^^
error: hello to you, too!
--> $DIR/auxiliary/
LL | / pub fn hello(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
LL | | if let Err(diag) = parse(input) {
LL | | diag.emit();
LL | | }
LL | |
LL | | TokenStream::new()
LL | | }
| |_^
::: $DIR/
LL | hello!(hi good hi and good bye);
| -------------------------------- in this macro invocation
note: found these 'hi's
--> $DIR/
LL | hello!(hi good hi and good bye);
| ^^ ^^
error: aborting due to 7 previous errors