blob: 195bda82e9ce1f3cee048362d59f5650d3549592 [file] [log] [blame]
// `macro_rules` items produced by transparent macros have correct hygiene in basic cases.
// Local variables and labels are hygienic, items are not hygienic.
// `$crate` refers to the crate that defines `macro_rules` and not the outer transparent macro.
extern crate gen_macro_rules_hygiene;
struct ItemUse;
//~^ ERROR use of undeclared label `'label_use`
//~| ERROR cannot find value `local_use` in this scope
fn main() {
'label_use: loop {
let local_use = 1;
ItemDef; // OK
local_def; //~ ERROR cannot find value `local_def` in this scope