blob: 4495a7770a7600fe3fdf3813f80eace46b0180be [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags: -Z print-type-sizes
// build-pass (FIXME(62277): could be check-pass?)
// ignore-pass
// ^-- needed because `--pass check` does not emit the output needed.
// FIXME: consider using an attribute instead of side-effects.
// This file illustrates that when the same type occurs repeatedly
// (even if multiple functions), it is only printed once in the
// print-type-sizes output.
pub struct SevenBytes([u8; 7]);
pub fn f1() {
let _s: SevenBytes = SevenBytes([0; 7]);
fn start(_: isize, _: *const *const u8) -> isize {
let _s: SevenBytes = SevenBytes([0; 7]);