blob: 0aed0386a907b57a038363a1f3fd7baf10750521 [file] [log] [blame]
error: this file contains an un-closed delimiter
--> $DIR/
LL | impl W <s(f;Y(;]
| - ^
| |
| un-closed delimiter
error: expected one of `!`, `(`, `)`, `+`, `,`, `::`, or `<`, found `;`
--> $DIR/
LL | impl W <s(f;Y(;]
| ^ expected one of 7 possible tokens
error: expected one of `!`, `&&`, `&`, `(`, `)`, `*`, `+`, `,`, `->`, `...`, `::`, `<`, `>`, `?`, `[`, `_`, `dyn`, `extern`, `fn`, `for`, `impl`, `unsafe`, or lifetime, found `;`
--> $DIR/
LL | impl W <s(f;Y(;]
| -^ help: `)` may belong here
| |
| unclosed delimiter
error: aborting due to 3 previous errors