blob: 881bff63f5f63974cebc462cf46fc7e6eafae95e [file] [log] [blame]
// Test scope annotations from `enclosing_scope` parameter
#[rustc_on_unimplemented(enclosing_scope="in this scope")]
trait Trait{}
struct Foo;
fn f<T: Trait>(x: T) {}
fn main() {
let x = || {
f(Foo{}); //~ ERROR the trait bound `Foo: Trait` is not satisfied
let y = || {
f(Foo{}); //~ ERROR the trait bound `Foo: Trait` is not satisfied
f(Foo{}); //~ ERROR the trait bound `Foo: Trait` is not satisfied
f(Foo{}); //~ ERROR the trait bound `Foo: Trait` is not satisfied