blob: c4f90f36acfc25f6759cf88edb0a44630d1cf3de [file] [log] [blame]
// Issue #14061: tests the interaction between generic implementation
// parameter bounds and trait objects.
use std::marker;
struct S<T>(marker::PhantomData<T>);
trait Gettable<T> {
fn get(&self) -> T { panic!() }
impl<T: Send + Copy + 'static> Gettable<T> for S<T> {}
fn f<T>(val: T) {
let t: S<T> = S(marker::PhantomData);
let a = &t as &dyn Gettable<T>;
//~^ ERROR `T` cannot be sent between threads safely
//~| ERROR : std::marker::Copy` is not satisfied
fn g<T>(val: T) {
let t: S<T> = S(marker::PhantomData);
let a: &dyn Gettable<T> = &t;
//~^ ERROR `T` cannot be sent between threads safely
//~| ERROR : std::marker::Copy` is not satisfied
fn foo<'a>() {
let t: S<&'a isize> = S(marker::PhantomData);
let a = &t as &dyn Gettable<&'a isize>;
//~^ ERROR does not fulfill
fn foo2<'a>() {
let t: Box<S<String>> = box S(marker::PhantomData);
let a = t as Box<dyn Gettable<String>>;
//~^ ERROR : std::marker::Copy` is not satisfied
fn foo3<'a>() {
struct Foo; // does not impl Copy
let t: Box<S<Foo>> = box S(marker::PhantomData);
let a: Box<dyn Gettable<Foo>> = t;
//~^ ERROR : std::marker::Copy` is not satisfied
fn main() { }