blob: 2d49151ffccc1d209f9746b25adc08b1a9f251f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// run-pass
// Previously the closure's argument would be inferred to
// <S as ITrait<'a>>::Item, causing an error in MIR type
// checking
trait ITrait<'a> {type Item;}
struct S {}
impl<'a> ITrait<'a> for S { type Item = &'a mut usize; }
fn m<T, I, F>(_: F)
where I: for<'a> ITrait<'a>,
F: for<'a> FnMut(<I as ITrait<'a>>::Item) { }
fn main() {
m::<usize,S,_>(|x| { *x += 1; });