blob: b76c1680bba82633d8fbf1f387fe14b82f0a4326 [file] [log] [blame]
#![crate_type = "rlib"]
// no-prefer-dynamic
// compile-flags: -g
mod crate_with_invalid_spans_macros;
pub fn exported_generic<T>(x: T, y: u32) -> (T, u32) {
// Using the add1 macro will produce an invalid span, because the `y` passed
// to the macro will have a span from this file, but the rest of the code
// generated from the macro will have spans from the macro-defining file.
// The AST node for the (1 + y) expression generated by the macro will then
// take it's `lo` span bound from the `1` literal in the macro-defining file
// and it's `hi` bound from `y` in this file, which should be lower than the
// `lo` and even lower than the lower bound of the SourceFile it is supposedly
// contained in because the SourceFile for this file was allocated earlier than
// the SourceFile of the macro-defining file.
return (x, add1!(y));