blob: 4977f9bdbacd9a34fa72f9ad0414157c6dd4e504 [file] [log] [blame]
// Tests that we cannot assume that an opaque type does *not* implement some
// other trait
trait OpaqueTrait { }
impl<T> OpaqueTrait for T { }
type OpaqueType = impl OpaqueTrait;
fn mk_opaque() -> OpaqueType { () }
struct D<T>(T);
trait AnotherTrait { }
impl<T: std::fmt::Debug> AnotherTrait for T { }
// This is in error, because we cannot assume that `OpaqueType: !Debug`
impl AnotherTrait for D<OpaqueType> {
//~^ ERROR conflicting implementations of trait `AnotherTrait` for type `D<OpaqueType>`
fn main() {}