blob: 6088331cded776d28ec2c8786dc8d85494df4ee3 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::fmt::Debug;
type Foo = impl Debug; //~ ERROR `impl Trait` in type aliases is unstable
trait Bar {
type Baa: Debug;
fn define() -> Self::Baa;
impl Bar for () {
type Baa = impl Debug; //~ ERROR `impl Trait` in type aliases is unstable
fn define() -> Self::Baa { 0 }
fn define() -> Foo { 0 }
trait TraitWithDefault {
type Assoc = impl Debug;
//~^ ERROR associated type defaults are unstable
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` not allowed outside of function
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` in type aliases is unstable
type NestedFree = (Vec<impl Debug>, impl Debug, impl Iterator<Item = impl Debug>);
//~^ ERROR `impl Trait` in type aliases is unstable
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` in type aliases is unstable
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` in type aliases is unstable
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` in type aliases is unstable
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` not allowed outside of function
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` not allowed outside of function
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` not allowed outside of function
impl Bar for u8 {
type Baa = (Vec<impl Debug>, impl Debug, impl Iterator<Item = impl Debug>);
//~^ ERROR `impl Trait` in type aliases is unstable
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` in type aliases is unstable
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` in type aliases is unstable
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` in type aliases is unstable
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` not allowed outside of function
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` not allowed outside of function
//~| ERROR `impl Trait` not allowed outside of function
fn define() -> Self::Baa { (vec![true], 0u8, 0i32..1) }
fn main() {}