blob: b25b7331017e72dc7a5f7753d6099e9673211708 [file] [log] [blame]
//~^ WARN the feature `const_generics` is incomplete and may cause the compiler to crash
// tests the diagnostic output of type mismatches for types that have const generics arguments.
use std::marker::PhantomData;
struct A<'a, T, const X: u32, const Y: u32> {
data: PhantomData<&'a T>
fn a<'a, 'b>() {
let _: A<'a, u32, {2u32}, {3u32}> = A::<'a, u32, {4u32}, {3u32}> { data: PhantomData };
//~^ ERROR mismatched types
let _: A<'a, u16, {2u32}, {3u32}> = A::<'b, u32, {2u32}, {3u32}> { data: PhantomData };
//~^ ERROR mismatched types
pub fn main() {}