blob: 73c75ae6668052713ee121b9524239f2b24125cd [file] [log] [blame]
//~^ WARN the feature `const_generics` is incomplete and may cause the compiler to crash
struct ConstString<const T: &'static str>;
struct ConstBytes<const T: &'static [u8]>;
pub fn main() {
let _: ConstString<"Hello"> = ConstString::<"Hello">;
let _: ConstString<"Hello"> = ConstString::<"World">; //~ ERROR mismatched types
let _: ConstString<"ℇ㇈↦"> = ConstString::<"ℇ㇈↦">;
let _: ConstString<"ℇ㇈↦"> = ConstString::<"ℇ㇈↥">; //~ ERROR mismatched types
let _: ConstBytes<b"AAA"> = ConstBytes::<{&[0x41, 0x41, 0x41]}>;
let _: ConstBytes<b"AAA"> = ConstBytes::<b"BBB">; //~ ERROR mismatched types