blob: 751a911a6bb862c4bb68580741941912a0d11e3d [file] [log] [blame]
// rust-lang/rust#55492: errors detected during MIR-borrowck's
// analysis of a closure body may only be caught when AST-borrowck
// looks at some parent.
// revisions: migrate nll
// Since we are testing nll (and migration) explicitly as a separate
// revisions, don't worry about the --compare-mode=nll on this test.
// ignore-compare-mode-nll
//[nll]compile-flags: -Z borrowck=mir
// transcribed from
mod borrowck_closures_unique {
pub fn e(x: &'static mut isize) {
static mut Y: isize = 3;
let mut c1 = |y: &'static mut isize| x = y;
//[migrate]~^ ERROR is not declared as mutable
//[nll]~^^ ERROR is not declared as mutable
unsafe { c1(&mut Y); }
mod borrowck_closures_unique_grandparent {
pub fn ee(x: &'static mut isize) {
static mut Z: isize = 3;
let mut c1 = |z: &'static mut isize| {
let mut c2 = |y: &'static mut isize| x = y;
//[migrate]~^ ERROR is not declared as mutable
//[nll]~^^ ERROR is not declared as mutable
unsafe { c1(&mut Z); }
// adapted from
mod mutability_errors {
pub fn capture_assign_whole(x: (i32,)) {
|| { x = (1,); };
//[migrate]~^ ERROR is not declared as mutable
//[nll]~^^ ERROR is not declared as mutable
pub fn capture_assign_part(x: (i32,)) {
|| { x.0 = 1; };
//[migrate]~^ ERROR is not declared as mutable
//[nll]~^^ ERROR is not declared as mutable
pub fn capture_reborrow_whole(x: (i32,)) {
|| { &mut x; };
//[migrate]~^ ERROR is not declared as mutable
//[nll]~^^ ERROR is not declared as mutable
pub fn capture_reborrow_part(x: (i32,)) {
|| { &mut x.0; };
//[migrate]~^ ERROR is not declared as mutable
//[nll]~^^ ERROR is not declared as mutable
fn main() {
static mut X: isize = 2;
unsafe { borrowck_closures_unique::e(&mut X); }