blob: cf188d9efa3b2700580c94ce85ffdfabb2d74594 [file] [log] [blame]
// run-pass
// Check that an arena (TypedArena) can carry elements whose drop
// methods might access borrowed data, as long as the borrowed data
// has lifetime that strictly outlives the arena itself.
// Compare against compile-fail/, which
// shows a similar setup, but restricts `f` so that the struct `C<'a>`
// is force-fed a lifetime equal to that of the borrowed arena.
extern crate arena;
use arena::TypedArena;
trait HasId { fn count(&self) -> usize; }
struct CheckId<T:HasId> { v: T }
// In the code below, the impl of HasId for `&'a usize` does not
// actually access the borrowed data, but the point is that the
// interface to CheckId does not (and cannot) know that, and therefore
// when encountering a value V of type CheckId<S>, we must
// conservatively force the type S to strictly outlive V.
impl<T:HasId> Drop for CheckId<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
assert!(self.v.count() > 0);
struct C<'a> { _v: CheckId<&'a usize>, }
impl<'a> HasId for &'a usize { fn count(&self) -> usize { 1 } }
fn f<'a, 'b>(_arena: &'a TypedArena<C<'b>>) {}
fn main() {
let arena: TypedArena<C> = TypedArena::default();