blob: a6f9d0423d082e201104f3b71a0eca98078ce22e [file] [log] [blame]
struct Foo {
t: String
fn cond() -> bool { true }
fn foo<F>(_: F) where F: FnOnce() {}
fn main() {
let pth = break; //~ ERROR: `break` outside of a loop
if cond() { continue } //~ ERROR: `continue` outside of a loop
while cond() {
if cond() { break }
if cond() { continue }
foo(|| {
if cond() { break } //~ ERROR: `break` inside of a closure
if cond() { continue } //~ ERROR: `continue` inside of a closure
let rs: Foo = Foo{t: pth};
let unconstrained = break; //~ ERROR: `break` outside of a loop
// This used to ICE because `target_id` passed to `check_expr_break` would be the closure and
// not the `loop`, which failed in the call to `find_breakable`. (#65383)
'lab: loop {
|| {
break 'lab; //~ ERROR `break` inside of a closure