blob: 170fbb984cf9b5aa7bfed063c320f24e8fe178a1 [file] [log] [blame]
authors = ["The Rust Project Developers"]
name = "test"
version = "0.0.0"
edition = "2018"
name = "test"
path = ""
crate-type = ["dylib", "rlib"]
getopts = { version = "0.2.21", features = ['rustc-dep-of-std'] }
term = { path = "../libterm" }
std = { path = "../libstd" }
core = { path = "../libcore" }
libc = { version = "0.2", default-features = false }
panic_unwind = { path = "../libpanic_unwind" }
panic_abort = { path = "../libpanic_abort" }
# not actually used but needed to always have proc_macro in the sysroot
proc_macro = { path = "../libproc_macro" }
# Forward features to the `std` crate as necessary
backtrace = ["std/backtrace"]
compiler-builtins-c = ["std/compiler-builtins-c"]
llvm-libunwind = ["std/llvm-libunwind"]
panic-unwind = ["std/panic_unwind"]
panic_immediate_abort = ["std/panic_immediate_abort"]
profiler = ["std/profiler"]