blob: cd7c962e2d15b06bbd30805c9a44b96163cb752e [file] [log] [blame]
fn main() {}
type Underconstrained<T: std::fmt::Debug> = impl 'static;
//~^ ERROR: at least one trait must be specified
// not a defining use, because it doesn't define *all* possible generics
fn underconstrained<U>(_: U) -> Underconstrained<U> {
//~^ ERROR `U` doesn't implement `Debug`
type Underconstrained2<T: std::fmt::Debug> = impl 'static;
//~^ ERROR: at least one trait must be specified
// not a defining use, because it doesn't define *all* possible generics
fn underconstrained2<U, V>(_: U, _: V) -> Underconstrained2<V> {
//~^ ERROR `V` doesn't implement `Debug`