blob: 69e95efa72d5043a426e72903445dec62f505cb1 [file] [log] [blame]
error[E0261]: use of undeclared lifetime name `'a`
--> $DIR/
LL | fn baz<G: 'a, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_
| - ^^ undeclared lifetime
| |
| help: consider introducing lifetime `'a` here: `'a,`
error[E0759]: `dest` has an anonymous lifetime `'_` but it needs to satisfy a `'static` lifetime requirement
--> $DIR/
LL | fn foo<G, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce()
| ------ this data with an anonymous lifetime `'_`...
LL | / move || {
LL | | *dest = g.get();
LL | | }
| |_____^ captured here...
note: ...and is required to live as long as `'static` here
--> $DIR/
LL | fn foo<G, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: to declare that the `impl Trait` captures data from argument `dest`, you can add an explicit `'_` lifetime bound
LL | fn foo<G, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_
| ^^^^
error[E0311]: the parameter type `G` may not live long enough
--> $DIR/
LL | fn bar<G, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: the parameter type `G` must be valid for the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the function body at 25:1...
--> $DIR/
LL | / fn bar<G, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_
LL | |
LL | | where
LL | | G: Get<T>
| |_____________^
note: that the type `[closure@$DIR/ 32:6]` will meet its required lifetime bounds
--> $DIR/
LL | fn bar<G, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider introducing an explicit lifetime bound
LL | fn bar<'a, G: 'a, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_ + 'a
| ^^^^^ ^^^^
error[E0311]: the parameter type `G` may not live long enough
--> $DIR/
LL | fn qux<'a, G: 'a, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: the parameter type `G` must be valid for the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the function body at 47:1...
--> $DIR/
LL | / fn qux<'a, G: 'a, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_
LL | |
LL | | where
LL | | G: Get<T>
| |_____________^
note: that the type `[closure@$DIR/ 54:6]` will meet its required lifetime bounds
--> $DIR/
LL | fn qux<'a, G: 'a, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider introducing an explicit lifetime bound
LL | fn qux<'b, 'a, G: 'b + 'a, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_ + 'b
| ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^
error[E0311]: the parameter type `G` may not live long enough
--> $DIR/
LL | fn qux<'b, G: Get<T> + 'b, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_ {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: the parameter type `G` must be valid for the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the method body at 59:5...
--> $DIR/
LL | fn qux<'b, G: Get<T> + 'b, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_ {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: that the type `[closure@$DIR/ 63:10]` will meet its required lifetime bounds
--> $DIR/
LL | fn qux<'b, G: Get<T> + 'b, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_ {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider introducing an explicit lifetime bound
LL | fn qux<'c, 'b, G: 'c + Get<T> + 'b, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_ + 'c {
| ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^
error[E0621]: explicit lifetime required in the type of `dest`
--> $DIR/
LL | fn bat<'a, G: 'a, T>(g: G, dest: &mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + '_ + 'a
| ------ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lifetime `'a` required
| |
| help: add explicit lifetime `'a` to the type of `dest`: `&'a mut T`
error[E0309]: the parameter type `G` may not live long enough
--> $DIR/
LL | fn bak<'a, G, T>(g: G, dest: &'a mut T) -> impl FnOnce() + 'a
| - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that the type `[closure@$DIR/ 86:6]` will meet its required lifetime bounds
| |
| help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound...: `G: 'a`
error: aborting due to 7 previous errors
Some errors have detailed explanations: E0261, E0309, E0621, E0759.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0261`.