blob: 30063a0957c749e42f43372a96b57356ebc1b692 [file] [log] [blame]
// Regression test for #71732, it used to emit incorrect diagnostics, like:
// error[E0283]: type annotations needed
// --> src/
// |
// 5 | .get(&"key".into())
// | ^^^ cannot infer type for struct `String`
// |
// = note: cannot satisfy `String: Borrow<_>`
// help: consider specifying the type argument in the method call
// |
// 5 | .get::<Q>(&"key".into())
// |
use std::collections::hash_map::HashMap;
fn foo(parameters: &HashMap<String, String>) -> bool {
.get(&"key".into()) //~ ERROR: type annotations needed
.and_then(|found: &String| Some(false))
fn main() {}