blob: 1f93248e10ec475416d45034720c235ab8fec85c [file] [log] [blame]
// ignore-tidy-linelength
// Check that we normalize super predicates for object candidates.
// check-pass
use std::ops::Index;
fn next<'a, T>(s: &'a mut dyn SVec<Item = T, Output = T>) {
// To prove
// `dyn SVec<Item = T, Output = T>: SVec`
// we need to show
// `dyn SVec<Item = T, Output = T> as Index>::Output == <dyn SVec<Item = T, Output = T> as SVec>::Item`
// which, with the current normalization strategy, has to be eagerly
// normalized to:
// `dyn SVec<Item = T, Output = T> as Index>::Output == T`.
let _ = s.len();
trait SVec: Index<usize, Output = <Self as SVec>::Item> {
type Item;
fn len(&self) -> usize;
fn main() {}